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Dengue: a water-related mosquito-borne disease
Water, environmental surveillance and molecular epidemiology of poliovirus in India
Hepatitis A and E in potable water: a threat to health
Waterborne viral gastroenteritis: an introduction to common agents
Cholera and drinking water
Typhoid fever and water
Shigellosis: an emerging water-related public health problem
Campylobacteriosis and water: an overview
Pathogenic mycobacteria and water
Water, mosquitoes and malaria
Water, amoebiasis and public health
Cyclosporiasis: an emerging potential threat for water contamination
Neurocycticercosis: an emerging waterborne parasitic disease of public health importance
Human cryptosporidiosis and drinking water: looking beyond HIV
Water and food borne trematodiases in humans
Water and lymphatic filariasis
Recent update on echinococcosis and water
Ascariasis and water: an overview
Soil-transmitted helminths and water.-Water and chemicals
Water quality issues needing technological interventions: sustainable availability for all
Pollution of aqueous matrices with pharmaceuticals
Pesticide toxicity, water and health
Water quality and health issues in southwest parts of Punjab state, India
Groundwater chemical contamination: the implication for human health.

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