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Decision Making and Surgical Technique in Urethroplasty
Male Urethra and External Genitalia Anatomy
Vascular Anatomy of Genital Skin and the Urethra: Implications for Urethral Reconstruction
Lichen Sclerosus
Imaging of the Male Urethra
Practical Plastic Surgery: Techniques for the Reconstructive Urologist
The Epidemiology, Clinical Presentation, and Economic Burden of Urethral Stricture
Etiology, Histology, and Classifi cation of Urethral Stricture Disease
Urethrotomy and Other Minimally Invasive Interventions for Urethral Stricture
Endourethral Prostheses for Urethral Stricture
Endourethral Prostheses for Urethral Stricture
Stricture Excision and Primary Anastomosis for Anterior Urethral Strictures
Oral Mucosal Graft Urethroplasty
Lingual Grafts
The Augmented Anastomotic Urethroplasty
Penile Skin Flaps for Urethral Reconstruction
Panurethral Strictures
The Application of Muscular, Myocutaneous, and Fasciocutaneous Flaps as Adjuncts in Complex Refractory Urethral Disorders
Posterior Urethral Strictures
Staged Urethroplasty
Complications of Urethroplasty
Postprostatectomy Strictures
Radiotherapy-Induced Urethral Strictures

Complex Urinary Fistulas of the Posterior Urethra and Bladder
Reconstruction of Failed Urethroplasty
Urethral Stent Complications and Methods for Explantation
Reoperative Hypospadias Surgery and Management of Complications
Follow-Up Strategies After Urethral Stricture Treatment
Urethral Rest as Precursor for Urethroplasty
The Use of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Men with Urethral Stricture Disease
Reconstruction of Synchronous Urethral Strictures
Perineal Urethrostomy
Double Overlapping Buccal Grafts
Muscle-, Nerve-, and Vascular Sparing Techniques in Anterior Urethroplasty
Primary and Secondary Reconstruction of the Neophallus Urethra
Tissue Engineering of the Urethra: The Basics, Current Concept, and the Future
Pediatric Urethral Strictures
Non-transecting Bulbar Urethroplasty
Genital Skin Loss and Scrotal Reconstruction
Surgery for Priapism
Penile Skin Grafting and Resurfacing of the Glans
Peyronie's Disease Reconstruction: Simple and Complex
The Buried Penis in Adults
Penile Fracture
Vascular Surgery for Erectile Dysfunction
Penile and Inguinal Reconstruction and Tissue Preservation for Penile Cancer
New Advances in Penile Implant Surgery
Artifi cial Urinary Sphincters: Reoperative Techniques and Management of Complications
Reconstruction and Salvage of Failed Male Urethral Slings
Post-prostatectomy Incontinence (Evaluation and Practical Urodynamics).

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