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Great Illusion in 21st Century-Chaos Knocking Door
Chaotic Time Delay Systems and Field Programmable Gate Array Realization. An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Approach to Forecast Time Series of Chaotic Systems
Design and Development of a Chaos-Based Image Encryption System
Comparison of Principal Component Analysis Biplots Based on Different Robust Covariance Matrix Estimates
Complexity and the relationship of the state with islam
Anadolu Agency and The New Media Order
The role and place of migration and diaspora's policy in bilateral relations between Kazakhstan and Germany
Complex Adaptive Leadership for Performance: A Theoretical Framework
Chaos According to Teachers Attending PhD Programs and the Chaos Management in School
Chaos Approach in Educational Administration
Uncertainty, Complexity and Fuzzy Logic
Primary School Principals' Crisis Management Skills
Evaluation of Post-Graduate Students' Perceptions of Transformational Leadership According to Some Variables
Evaluating Market Basket Data with Formal Concept Analysis
Managing On The Edge Of Chaos
Controlling Chaotic Behavior of the Stepper Motor Using Genetic Algorithms
Robust Chaos Synchronization for Chua's Circuitsvia Active Sliding Mode Control
A Modeling Approach Based on Fuzzy Least Squares Method for Multi-Response Experiments with Replicated Measures
Chaos, Complexity and Police Leadership
Ideas on Municipalities, Chaos Theory and Transformational Leadership
IDEAS The Modelling Technique Based on Neuro-Fuzzy structure for Chaotic Rossler System
Leading Diversified Workforce to Improve Organizational Network Effectiveness
Charismatic Leadership, Ethics and Effectiveness in Political Science
GARCH Type Volatility Models Augmented with News Intensity Data
A General Outlook To The Transformational Leadership Practices Of School Administrators In Turkey In The Light of Present Research Findings
Avoidance Behaviors of School Managers in Uncertain and Chaotic Environments
New Leadership Paradigms in the Complexity Science
Chaotic Conditions that Postgraduate Students Came Across and Solution Suggestions
Survival of the Fittest: Intelligent Organizations as Intelligent Complex Adaptive Systems
How to be a Quantum Leader in an Intelligent Organization?. Forming Educational Leadership Standards in Turkey and Educational Leadership Policy Standards: ISLLC 2008
The Importance of School Admınıstrators' Cultural Leadershıp in Chaos Atmosphere
Is Arab Spring a Complex Utopia?
Compulsory and Discontinuous Education as a New Model: 4+4+4 is it chaotic?
A Simulation Study Goodness-of-fit Tests for the Skewed Normal Distribution
A Chaotic Fact: 2011 Van Earthquake
Evaluation Of Pedegogs
Searching for New Model in Education Systems: Sample of Turkey
Sustainability of Economic System in the Chaos. Economic Systems: From Chaos to Order
The Developmentof the Local Economic System in the Conditionsof Predominant Power Economy.-Would The Organizational Commitment And Occupational Burnout Perceptions Of Firm Owner's With 10-49 Employees Be High At The Same Time? Why Not? (Example Of Ankara)
Ethics and Leadership
Situational Leadership in Change Management for Different Generations
Chaos against Leadership in the Seljuks Era: The Case of Isfahan
The Contribution Of Religious Teaching to the Development of Leadership Skills
Atmospheric tracers and the monsoon system
lessons learnt from the 1991 Kuwaitoilwellfires
Fuzzy Generalized Fractal Dimensions for Chaotic Waveforms
Nonlınear Forced Convectıve Hydromagnetic Flow of Unsteady Biomagnetic Fluid Over A Wedge With Convective Surface Condition
Advancements On Authentication Methods For Transfer Of Stream Data Via Chaos Synchronization Techniques
Efficient Implementation Baptista Type Chaotic Cryptosystem with Encoding Scheme
Measuring Perceptual Reflections of Employees For Their Executives Intellectual Traits That Effecting Quality of Work Life of Employees and Organizational Change
Relationship Between The Attidues of Undergraduate Students Towards Complex Numbers and Misconceptions
Turkish Version of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS): The Validity and Reliability Study
Reflections of Syrian Chaos to Turkey: A Geopolitical Analysis
Leaders, Followers and Their Personalities
Determination of Leadership Behaviors of Mayors Who Have Been Elected with Local Election According to the Opinions of Employees
Dystopian Future View as a Narrative of Inherent Entropy of Organizations
The Turkish Version of the Career Future Inventory-Revised: The Validity and Reliability Study
The Importance of Building Leadership Skills with the Contemporary Youth.-Chaotic Politics, Chaotic Relationships
Dynamical Motion Capture System Involving via Neural Networks. .

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