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Monograph Part A: Psychological Injury, Malingering, Law, Assessment
Section I: Psychological Injury, Malingering, Definitions, Gold Standards, Models
1. Introduction: Psychological Injury, Malingering, Ethics, and Law
2. Malingering: Definitional and Conceptual Ambiguities and Prevalence or Base Rates
3. Toward a Gold Standard in Malingering and Related Determinations
4. The MMPI-2-RF Personality Inventory in Psychological Injury Cases
5. New Models of Malingering and Related Biases, Presentations, and Performances
6. Diagnostic System for Malingered PTSD and Related Response Biases: Details in Tabular Format
Section II: Malingering Detection, Law, Causality
7. Deconstructing Favorable and Unfavorable Malingering-Attribution Perspectives
8. Other Contrasting Approaches to Malingering Detection
9. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Controversies, Diagnosis, and Malingering
10. Psychological Injury: Law and Causality
11. Leading the Field in Understanding and Testing Malingering and Related Response Styles: The Work of Richard Rogers
Section III: Psychological Injury, Assessment, Most Recent Literature
12. Assessing Psychological Injuries and Malingering: Evaluator Considerations
13. Assessing Psychological and Malingering: PTSD and Evaluee Considerations
14. Assessing Psychological Injuries and Malingering: Disability and Report Writing
15. Slick-Sherman?s 2012-2013 Revision of the 1999 Slick et al. MND System
16. Symptom Validity Assessment, MTBI, and Malingering in Carone and Bush (2013)
17. Most Recent Journal Article Review
Monograph Part B: Psychological Injury, Malingering, Ethics, Therapy
Section IV: Psychological Injuries, Therapy, Ethics
18. MTBI and Pain
19. An Instrument to Detect Pain Feigning: The Pain Feigning Detection Test (PFDT)
20. Confusions and Confounds in Conversion Disorder
21. Therapy in Psychological Injury
22. Ethics in Psychological Injury and Law
23. A Transdiagnostic Therapeutic Module on Free Will and Change
24. A Model of Ethical Thought and Ethical Decision-Making
Section V: Supplements :Testing, Systems
25. Selected Tests and Testing in Psychological Injury Evaluations I
26. Selected Tests and Testing in Psychological Injury Evaluations II
27. Table 1. Diagnostic System for Malingered PTSD Disability/ Dysfunction and Related Negative Response Biases: User Version and Worksheet
28. Table 2. Diagnostic System for Malingered Neurocognitive Disability/ Dysfunction and Related Negative Response Biases
29. Table 3. Diagnostic System for Malingered Pain Disability/ Dysfunction and Related Negative Response Biases
Section VI: Terms, Education, Study
30. Glossary and Discussion of Terms
31. Education
32. Study Guide Questions, Teaching Objectives, and Learning Outcomes
33. PTSD and Malingering: Tests, Diagnostics, Cut-Scores, Cautions
34. Book Conclusions.

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