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Part I: Synthesis of populations, communities and ecosystem processes in the GMR
Coral Research in the Gal?pagos Islands, Ecuador
Elasmobranchs of the Galapagos Marine Reserve
The Galapagos sea lion: adaptation to spatial and temporal diversity of marine resources within the archipelago
Reduced complexity of foraging behavior of the Galapagos sea lion inferred from a multiple approach analysis
Ecosystem based management
Remote Sensing of the Marine Environment: Challenges and Opportunities in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador
Part II: Coupled socio-ecological marine systems
Development of the Galapagos Marine Reserve
Fishery science in Galapagos: From a resource-focused to a social-ecological system approach
Collaborative approach to fisheries management as a way to increase the effectiveness of future regulations in the Galapagos archipelago
The birth of sport fishing in the Galapagos Marine Reserve: ?adaptation, emergence and complexities
Shifting baselines in the Galapagos whitefish fishery: Using fisher?s anecdotes to reassess fisheries management: the case of the Galapagos grouper
Pollution as an emerging threat for the conservation of the Galapagos Marine Reserve: Environmental Impacts and Management Perspectives
Assessing human wildlife conflicts and benefits of Galapagos Sea lions on San Cristobal Island

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