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Introduction: integration and identity in the Roman Republic / Saskia
T. Roselaar
Regionalism: towards a new perspective of cultural
Change in central Italy, c. 350-100 BC / Roman Roth
The beginning of the first Punic War and the concept of Italia / Federico Russo
Identity construction and boundaries: hellenistic Perugia / Skylar Neil
Reconsidering socii in Roman Armies before the Punic Wars / Patrick Kent
Integration and Armies in the Middle Republic / Nathan S. Rosenstein
Appian, allied ambassadors, and the rejection of 91: why the Romans chose to fight the bellum sociale / Seth Kendall
The Lex Licinia Mucia and the Bellum Italicum / Fiona Tweedie
Mediterranean trade as a mechanism of integration between Romans and Italians / Saskia T. Roselaar
Outposts of Integration? Garrisoning, Logistics and Archaeology in North-Eastern Hispania, 133-82 BC / Toni Naco del Hoyo & Jordi Principal
Samnite economy and the competitive environment of Italy in the fifth to third centuries BC / Daniel C. Hoyer
The Weakest Link: elite social networks in Republican Italy / Kathryn Lomas
Contact, Co-operation, and Conflict in Pre-Social War Italy / John R. Patterson
Rome and Antium: Pirates, Polities and identity in the Middle Republic / Ed H. Bispham
A localized approach to the study of integration and identity in southern Italy / Elizabeth C. Robinson
Settlement structures and institutional 'Continuity' in Capua until the Deductio Coloniaria of 59 BC / Osvaldo Sacchi
Integration, Identity, and Language Shift: Strengths and Weaknesses of the 'Linguistic' Evidence / David Langslow
Problems and audience in Cato's Origines / Eleanor Jefferson
Juno Sospita: A Foreign Goddess through Roman Eyes / Rianne Hermans
Feronia. The role of an italic goddess in the process of cultural integration in Republican Italy / Massimiliano Di Fazio
Tiburnus, Albunea, Hercules Victor: The Cults of Tibur between Integration and Assertion of Local Identity / Elisabeth Buchet.

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