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Table of Contents
Avoiding crises by creating norms
Narratives, dialogues, and signaling
Escalation management
Strategic stability
Conclusions and recommendations for the Air Force
Some hypothetical crises
Mutual mistrust is likely to characterize a cyber crisis
States may have room for maneuver in a cyber crisis
A note on methodology
Purpose and organization
Avoiding crises by creating norms
What kind of norms might be useful?
Enforce laws against hacking
Disassociate from freelance hackers
Discourage commercial espionage
Be careful about the obligation to suppress cyber traffic
How do we enforce norms?
Confidence-building measures
Norms for victims of cyberattacks
Norms for war?
Military necessity and collateral damage
Narratives, dialogue, and signals
Narratives to promote control
A narrative framework for cyberspace
Victimization, attribution, retaliation, and aggression
Emollients: narratives to walk back a crisis
We did nothing
Well, at least not on our orders
It was an accident
This is nothing new
At least it does not portend anything
Broader considerations
Ambiguity in signaling
Signaling resolve
Signaling that cyber combat is not kinetic combat
Escalation management
Motives for escalation
Does escalation matter?
Escalation risks
Escalation risks in phase
Escalation risks for contained local conflicts
Escalation risks for uncontained conflicts
Managing proxy cyberattacks
What hidden combatants imply for horizontal escalation
Managing overt proxy conflict
The difficulties of tit-for-tat management
The importance of pre-planning
Disjunctions among effort, effect, and perception
Inadvertent escalation
Escalation into kinetic warfare
Escalation into economic warfare
Sub rosa escalation
Managing the third-party problem
The need for a clean shot
Inference and narrative
Command and control
Those they command
Implications for strategic stability
Translating sources of cold war instability to cyberspace
What influence can cyberwar have if nuclear weapons exist?
Can cyberwar disarm another state's nuclear capabilities?
Can cyberwar disarm another states cyberwarriors?
Does cyberwar lend itself to alert-reaction cycles?
Are cyberdefenses inherently destabilizing?
Would a cyberspace arms races be destabilizing?
Misperception as a source of crisis
Side takes great exception to cyberespionage
Defenses are misinterpreted as preparations for war
Too much confidence in attribution
Too much confidence in or fear of pre-emption
Supposedly risk-free cyberattacks
Can cyber crises be managed?
A. Distributed denial-of-service attacks
B. Overt, obvious, and covert cyberattacks and responses
Can good cyberdefenses discourage attacks?
Figure 1: Alternative postures for a master cyber narrative
Figure 2: Sources of imprecision in tit for tat
Figure 3: An inadvertent path to mutual escalation
Figure A-1: Configuring networks to limit the damage of DDoS attacks
Overt, obvious, and covert cyberattacks and responses.
Narratives, dialogues, and signaling
Escalation management
Strategic stability
Conclusions and recommendations for the Air Force
Some hypothetical crises
Mutual mistrust is likely to characterize a cyber crisis
States may have room for maneuver in a cyber crisis
A note on methodology
Purpose and organization
Avoiding crises by creating norms
What kind of norms might be useful?
Enforce laws against hacking
Disassociate from freelance hackers
Discourage commercial espionage
Be careful about the obligation to suppress cyber traffic
How do we enforce norms?
Confidence-building measures
Norms for victims of cyberattacks
Norms for war?
Military necessity and collateral damage
Narratives, dialogue, and signals
Narratives to promote control
A narrative framework for cyberspace
Victimization, attribution, retaliation, and aggression
Emollients: narratives to walk back a crisis
We did nothing
Well, at least not on our orders
It was an accident
This is nothing new
At least it does not portend anything
Broader considerations
Ambiguity in signaling
Signaling resolve
Signaling that cyber combat is not kinetic combat
Escalation management
Motives for escalation
Does escalation matter?
Escalation risks
Escalation risks in phase
Escalation risks for contained local conflicts
Escalation risks for uncontained conflicts
Managing proxy cyberattacks
What hidden combatants imply for horizontal escalation
Managing overt proxy conflict
The difficulties of tit-for-tat management
The importance of pre-planning
Disjunctions among effort, effect, and perception
Inadvertent escalation
Escalation into kinetic warfare
Escalation into economic warfare
Sub rosa escalation
Managing the third-party problem
The need for a clean shot
Inference and narrative
Command and control
Those they command
Implications for strategic stability
Translating sources of cold war instability to cyberspace
What influence can cyberwar have if nuclear weapons exist?
Can cyberwar disarm another state's nuclear capabilities?
Can cyberwar disarm another states cyberwarriors?
Does cyberwar lend itself to alert-reaction cycles?
Are cyberdefenses inherently destabilizing?
Would a cyberspace arms races be destabilizing?
Misperception as a source of crisis
Side takes great exception to cyberespionage
Defenses are misinterpreted as preparations for war
Too much confidence in attribution
Too much confidence in or fear of pre-emption
Supposedly risk-free cyberattacks
Can cyber crises be managed?
A. Distributed denial-of-service attacks
B. Overt, obvious, and covert cyberattacks and responses
Can good cyberdefenses discourage attacks?
Figure 1: Alternative postures for a master cyber narrative
Figure 2: Sources of imprecision in tit for tat
Figure 3: An inadvertent path to mutual escalation
Figure A-1: Configuring networks to limit the damage of DDoS attacks
Overt, obvious, and covert cyberattacks and responses.