

Foreword / S.J. Magyaródy
Who are we?
Hungary : a short story / CA Macartney
Hungary and World War I / Fritz-Konrad Krüger
A short story of the Treaty of Trianon / László Gulyás
The tragic fate of Hungary / Yves De Daruvar
Opinion of an American diplomat / J.F. Montgomery
Hungarian declaration of war / J.F. Montgomery
The Central European syndrome / S.J. Magyaródy
Recovery of lost territories
The first Vienna Award / Edward Chászár
Retaking Subcarpatia
The second Vienna Award
Territory ceded by Roumania returned to Hungary
The retaking of the southern territories
Guilty nation? / S.J. Magyaródy
US envoy to Hungary / J.F. Montgomery
Refugees in Hungary / Károly Kapronczay
The role of Hungary in the collapse of communism in Europe / Istvan Hegedüs
The Stalingrad of the Soviet Union / András/Andrew/Fejérdy
The Berlin Wall ten years later / Steven Hayward
The blood of the Hungarians / Albert Camus
Slovak history / Zoltan Balassa
The situation of ethnic Magyars in Czechosloyakia and later Slovakia / Józsa Hévizi
Hungarians : Slovaks / S.J. Magyaródy
The origin of the Romanians / André Du Nay
Romanian falsification of history / Árpád Szöczi
Romanian atrocities
Szeklerland and the Szeklers / Valentin Stan
An undiplomatic diary / Harry Hill Bandholtz, footnotes by Fritz-Konrad Krüger
Facts against fiction / Lajos Kazar
Serbs in Hungary / Péter Mikllós
Justice for the Temerin Five!
Chapters from the history of the Serb raids / Atilla S. Délvidéki
Self-government in the kingdom of Hungary / Józsa Hévizi
Ethnic cleansings of Hungarians after the two world wars / Steve Béla Várdy
When did Hungarians settle in their present homeland? / Nándor Dreisziger
Hungary's history 895-1945 / László Gulyás and Ferenc Szávai
The late Industrial Revolution in Hungary (1867-1918) / Ferenc Szávai
Robber-privatization in Hungary / Magdolna Csath
Why and how to learn and speak Hungarian? / Sándor Balogh
Some of the better known Hungarian literature in English translation / Adam Makkai
Hungarian music / László Jámbor
Hungarian fine arts
Spirit of Hungary : a nation of champions / István Sisa
Hungarian achievements and inventions
History of Hungarian aviation / Mária Kovács
Interesting facts
List of authors
The fate of the Budapest bridges.

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