

Machine generated contents note: 1.What Is Terrorism?
Definitions of Terrorism
U.S. Government Definitions
Scholarly Definitions
Commonalities in Definitions
Incidents of Terrorism
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism
Global Terrorism Database
Collective Explanations
Individual Explanations
Moral Explanations
Useful Explanations
Highlights of Reprinted Articles
Exploring the What of Terrorism Further
Terrorism: The Problem of Definition Revisited / H. H. A. Cooper
A General Strain Theory of Terrorism / Robert Agnew
2.History of Terrorism
Early Justifications for Terrorism
Religious Terrorism: Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot
State-Sponsored Terrorism: The French Revolution
Political Terrorism: Anarchists and Propaganda by Deed
Political Terrorism of the Russian Narodnaya Volya
Terrorism and Colonialism: The Philosophy of the Bomb

Contents note continued: Colonialism and Indian Terrorism
Colonialism, Racism, and Algerian Terrorism
Colonialism Makes Latin America a Hotbed of Terrorism
The Urban Guerrilla
Lessons Learned From History
Highlights of Reprinted Articles
Exploring the History of Terrorism Further
Fear and Trembling: Terrorism in Three Religious Traditions / David C. Rapoport
The Spirit of Despotism: Understanding the Tyrant Within / Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries
3.International Terrorism
Terrorism Around the World
State-Sponsored Terrorism
Religious Fanaticism: An Old Trend and a New Threat
A Few Infamous Terrorists
Che Guevara
Carlos the Jackal
Osama bin Laden
Velupillai Prabhakaran
Subcomandante Marcos
An Infamous Terrorist Attack: Pan Am Flight 103
Western Views on Libya
Highlights of Reprinted Articles
Exploring Global Terrorism Further

Contents note continued: The Four Waves of Modern Terrorism / David C. Rapoport
Radical Islam in East Africa / Charles R. Stith
4.Terrorist Tactics Around the Globe
Children at War
Financing Terrorist Networks
Ancient Islamic Traditions
Legal Actions
Money Laundering
Conventional Tactics Become More Deadly
Leaderless Resistance
Guidebooks of Terror Tactics
The Basics: Assassinations, Hijackings, Kidnappings and Hostage Taking, and Bombings
Kidnappings and Hostage Taking
Suicide Terrorism
Female Suicide Bombers
Highlights of Reprinted Articles
Exploring Conventional Terrorist Tactics Further
The Interaction of Narcotics and Conflict / Svante E. Cornell
New Terror Architecture in South Asia: 26/11 Mumbai Attacks Inquiry / Saroj Kumar Rath
5.Homegrown Terrorism in the United States
Muslim-American Terrorism in the United States
Researching Incidents of Homegrown Terrorism

Contents note continued: Hate Groups and Terrorism
State-Sponsored Terrorism
Leftist Groups
Leftist Class Struggles
Right-Wing Groups
Racial Supremacy
Religious Extremists
The Future
Highlights of Reprinted Articles
Exploring Homegrown Terrorism Further
Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism and Violence / Klan Watch Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center
Skinheads in America: Racists on the Rampage / Southern Poverty Law Center
6.Media Coverage of Terrorism
Competing Concerns
Media, Law, and Terrorism
Irresponsible Reporting
Interfering in State Operations Against Terrorism
Cooperating With Terrorists or Government
Selling Terrorism: Commercial and Political Interests in Media Reports
Making Martyrs: Terrorists and the Death Penalty
Timothy McVeigh
Abimael Guzman
Highlights of Reprinted Articles
Exploring Media and Terrorism Further

Contents note continued: Filling the 24x7 News Hole: Television News Coverage Following September 11 / Regina G. Lawrence
Terrorism and Censorship: The Media in Chains / Terry Anderson
7.Women Terrorists
The Black Widows of Chechnya
Female Terrorists
Roles and Activities for Female Terrorists
Dominant Forces
Two Exceptional Terrorist Groups
Two Female Terrorists
Ulrike Meinhof
Augusta La Torre Guzman
Ideology and Female Terrorists
Highlights of Reprinted Articles
Exploring Women as Terrorists Further
The Portrayal of Female Terrorists in the Media: Similar Framing Patterns in the News Coverage of Women in Politics and in Terrorism / Brigitte L. Nacos
Women and organized racial terrorism in the united states / Kathleen M. Blee
8.Technology and Terrorism
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Weapons and Explosive Devices
Chemical Weapons
Biological Weapons

Contents note continued: Radiological Weapons
Nuclear Weapons
Explosive Devices
How Real Is the Threat?
The Internet and Terrorism
Digital Terrorism
How Real Is the Threat?
Aum Shinrikyo: A Terrorist Cult
Shoko Asahara: A Chaotic Leader
From Bizarre to Dangerous
The Attack
The Aftermath
Highlights of Reprinted Articles
Exploring Technology and Terrorists Further
Mutually Assured Support: A Security Doctrine for Terrorist Nuclear Weapons Threats / Marc Sageman
Cyber-Fatwas and Terrorism / Gabriel Weimann
Counterterrorism and Foreign Policy
The United States at War
"Late Modern Warfare"
The United States as a Target
Clash of Civilizations?
The UN Response to Terrorism
International Cooperation and the Use of Military Forces
The High Cost of Retaliation
Domestic Counterterrorism
Legislating Against Terrorism
Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996

Contents note continued: The USA PATRIOT Act
The Counterterrorism Bureaucracy
Controversial Detentions and Military Tribunals
Guantanamo Bay
Other Prisons for Terrorists: Legal and Extra-Legal
Military Tribunals
Three Infamous Cases From the U.S. History of Counterterrorism
The Palmer Raids
Japanese Internment
More Red Scares: House Un-American Activities Committee and McCarthyism
Highlights of Reprinted Articles
Exploring Counterterrorism Further
Assassinating Justly: Reflections on Justice and Revenge in the Osama bin Laden Killing / Roger Berkowitz
Profiling in the Age of Total Information Awareness / Nancy Murray
10.Rage and Rebellion in the Arab World: Potential Impacts on Terrorism
Overview of Regional Events
Voting for Change
The Revolution
The Protests and the Vicious Response
The World's Reaction
And Where Will It End?

Contents note continued: Elsewhere in the Arab World
Saudi Arabia
The Reach of the Revolution
Highlights of Reprinted Articles
Exploring Terrorism and the Arab Uprisings Further
Al Qaeda's Challenge / William McCants
The Unbreakable Muslim Brotherhood / Eric Trager.

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