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Experimental Computation and Visual Theorems
Soft Math Math Soft
Flyspecking Flyspeck
Symbolic Computing Package for Mathematica for Versatile Manipulation of Mathematical Expressions
Representing, Archiving, and Searching the Space of Mathematical Knowledge
Early Examples of Software in Mathematical Knowledge Management
Discourse-Level Parallel Markup and Meaning Adoption in Flexiformal Theory Graphs
Complexity Analysis of the Bivariate Buchberger Algorithm in Theorema
Theorema 2.0: A System for Mathematical Theory Exploration
New Approaches in Black Box Group Theory
A GAP Package for Computing with Real Semisimple Lie Algebras
Bacterial Genomics and Computational Group Theory: The BioGAP Package for GAP
SgpDec: Cascade (De)Compositions of Finite Transformation Semigroups and Permutation Groups
Approximating Generators for Integral Arithmetic Groups
Software for Groups: Theory and Practice
Computation of Genus 0 Belyi Functions
On Computation of the First Baues-Wirsching Cohomology of a Freely-Generated Small Category
Codes over a Non Chain Ring with Some Applications
On the Weight Enumerators of the Projections of the 2-adic Golay Code of Length 24 to Z2e
Computer Based Reconstruction of Binary Extremal Self-dual Codes of Length 32
Magma Implementation of Decoding Algorithms for General Algebraic Geometry Codes
Reversible Codes and Applications to DNA
javaPlex: A Research Software Package for Persistent (Co)Homology
Persistent Homology Algorithms Toolbox
Computing Persistence Modules on Commutative Ladders of Finite Type
Heuristics for Sphere Recognition
CAPD::RedHom v2
Homology Software Based on Reduction Algorithms
The Gudhi Library: Simplicial Complexes and Persistent Homology
Bertini real: Software for One- and Two-Dimensional Real Algebraic Sets
Hom4PS-3: A Parallel Numerical Solver for Systems of Polynomial Equations Based on Polyhedral Homotopy Continuation Methods
Geometry CGAL
Reliable Geometric Computing for Academia and Industry
Implementing the L[infinity] Segment Voronoi Diagram in CGAL and Applying in VLSI Pattern Analysis
The Molecular Geometry Engine Based on Voronoi Diagram, Quasi-Triangulation, and Beta-Complex
Integrating Circumradius and Area Formulae for Cyclic Pentagons
Computer Aided Geometry
The Sustainability of Digital Educational Resources
A Touch-Operation-Based Dynamic Geometry System: Design and Implementation
OpenGeo: An Open Geometric Knowledge Base
On Computing a Cell Decomposition of a Real Surface Containing Infinitely Many Singularities
Robustly and Efficiently Computing Algebraic Curves and Surfaces
Computing the Orthogonal Projection of Rational Curves onto Rational Parameterized Surface by Symbolic Methods
Isotopic Approximation of Algebraic Curves
Isotopic Arrangement of Simple Curves: An Exact Numerical Approach Based on Subdivision
Real Quantifier Elimination in the RegularChains Library
Software for Quantifier Elimination in Propositional Logic
Quantifier Elimination for Linear Modular Constraints
Skolemization Modulo Theories
Incremental QBF Solving by DepQBF
NLCertify: A Tool for Formal Nonlinear Optimization
Developing Linear Algebra Packages on Risa/Asir for Eigenproblems
Mathematical Software for Modified Bessel Functions
BetaSCP2: A Program for the Optimal Prediction of Side-Chains in Proteins
Computation of an Improved Lower Bound to Giuga's Primality Conjecture
An Extension and Efficient Calculation of the Horner's Rule for Matrices
What Is New in CoCoA?
Maximizing Likelihood Function for Parameter Estimation in Point Clouds via Groebner Basis
Groebner Basis in Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Groebner Bases in Theorema
Effective Computation of Radical of Ideals and Its Application to Invariant Theory
Generic and Parallel Groebner Bases in JAS
Application of Groebner Basis Methodology to Nonlinear Mechanics Problems
Software for Discussing Parametric Polynomial Systems: The Gr{uml}obner Cover
An Algorithm for Computing Standard Bases by Change of Ordering via Algebraic Local Cohomology
Verification of Gr{uml}obner Basis Candidates
Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition in the RegularChains Library
Hierarchical Comprehensive Triangular Decomposition
A Package for Parametric Matrix Computations
Choosing a Variable Ordering for Truth-Table Invariant Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition by Incremental Triangular Decomposition
Using the Regular Chains Library to Build Cylindrical Algebraic Decompositions by Projecting and Lifting
An Improvement of Rosenfeld-Gr{uml}obner Algorithm
Doing Algebraic Geometry with the RegularChains Library
On Multivariate Birkhoff Rational Interpolation
Computing Moore-Penrose Inverses of Ore Polynomial Matrices
Software Using the Gr{uml}obner Cover for Geometrical Loci Computation and Classification
Using Maple's RegularChains Library to Automatically Classify Plane Geometric Loci
Solving Parametric Polynomial Systems by RealComprehensiveTriangularize
QE Software Based on Comprehensive Gr{uml}obner Systems
SyNRAC: A Tolbox for Solving Real Algebraic Constraints.-An Algorithm for Computing Tjurina Stratifications of [mu]-Constant Deformations by Using Local Cohomology Classes with Parameters
An Implementation Method of Boolean Gr{uml}obner Bases and Comprehensive Boolean Gr{uml}obner Bases on General Computer Algebra Systems
A Method to Determine if Two Parametric Polynomial Systems Are Equal
An Implementation Method of a CAS with a Handwriting Interface on Tablet Devices
New Way of Explanation of the Stochastic Interpretation of Wave Functions and Its Teaching Materials Using KETpic
IFSGen4LATEX: Interactive Graphical User Interface For Generation and Visualization of Iterated Function Systems in LATEX
GNU TEXMACS Towards a Scientific Office Suite
Computer Software Program for Representation and Visualization of Free-Form Curves through Bio-inspired Optimization Techniques
On Some Attempts to Verify the Effect of Using High-Quality Graphics in Mathematics Education
Math Web Search Interfaces and the Generation Gap of Mathematicians
Practice with Computer Algebra Systems in Mathematics Education and Teacher Training Courses
Development of Visual Aid Materials in Teaching the Bivariate Normal Distributions
Creating Interactive Graphics for Mathematics Education Utilizing KETpic
A Tablet-Compatible Web-Interface for Mathematical Collaboration
Development and Evaluation of a Web-Based Drill System to Master Basic Math Formulae Using a New Interactive Math Input Method
Generating Data of Mathematical Figures for 3D Printers with KETpic and Educational Impact of the Printed Models
A Touch-Based Mathematical Expression Editor
Establishment of KETpic Programming Styles for Drawing
Integration of Libnormaliz in CoCoALib and CoCoA 5
Elements of Design for Containers and Solutions in the LinBox Library
Recent Developments in Normaliz
The Basic Polynomial Algebra Subprograms
Function Interval Arithmetic
Generating Optimized Sparse Matrix Vector Product over Finite Fields
An Information Service for Mathematical Software
MathLibre: Modifiable Desktop Environment for Mathematics
Software Packages for Holonomic Gradient Method
Metalibm: A Mathematical Functions Code Generator
From Calculus to Algorithms without Errors
Dense Arithmetic over Finite Fields with the CUMODP Library.

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