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Acute painful ptosis, complete ophthalmoplegia with a red eye
Chronic painless ptosis, complete ophthalmoplegia with a red eye
Acute painless homonymous hemianopsia
Acute painful homonymous hemianopsia
Acute bilateral optic disc edema
Subacute bilateral optic disc edema
Acute homonymous hemianopsia in febrile patient
Acute painless isolated sixth nerve palsy
Acute progressive bilateral ophthalmoplegia with mental status change
Acute unilateral optic neuropathy
Acute pupil spared third nerve palsy
Acute pupil involved third nerve palsy
Acute proptosis with red eyes
Acute visual loss in a leukemia patient
Acute ophthalmoplegia after vomiting
Acute anisocoria
Optic disc edema with a macular star figure
Acute transient monocular visual loss
Jaw pain and headache in an elderly woman
Acute bitemporal hemianopsia
Acute anisocoria with neck pain
Acute painful ophthalmoplegia.

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