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The end of (military) history? : the demise of the western way of war / Andrew J. Bacevich
Assessing strategic choices in the War on Terror / Stephen Biddle and Peter D. Feaver
The rise, persistence, and decline of the "War on Terror" / Ronald R. Krebs
Odysseus prevails over Achilles : a warrior model suited to post-9/11 conflicts / Joseph Soeters
What "success" means in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya / Christopher Dandeker
Torture, harm, and the prospect of moral repair / James Burk
Isomorphism within NATO? : soldiers and armed forces before and after 9/11 / Gerhard Kümmel
The mobilization of private forces after 9/11 : ad hoc response to poor planning / Deborah Avant
Globalization and Al Qaeda's challenge to American unipolarity / Pascal Vennesson.

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