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Vol. 1
Section 1 : The Great Recession: what happened?
Introduction to section 1
Global downturn
Great Recession vs. Great Depression
Housing Crisis
Policy, fiscal (The federal government)
Policy, monetary (The Federal Reserve)
Section 2 : Why is there poverty, and how is poverty measured?
Introduction to section 2
Causes and types of poverty
Economic insecurity
Measurement of poverty
U.S. poverty rate in the Great Recession
Section 3 : How did the Great Recession affect poverty rates for demographic groups?
Introduction to section 3
African Americans
Age, 17 or under (children)
Age, 18-34 (young adults)
Age, 35-64 (adults)
Age, 65 plus (senior citizens)
Asian Americans
Disability status
Economic status, prior
Educational attainment
Hispanic/Latino Americans
Native Americans
Region of the country
Retirees and potential retirees
Rural families and individuals
Sex, female
Sex, male
Suburban families and individuals
United States vs. international impact
Urban families and individuals
White Americans
Section 4 : How did the Great Recession affect low-income individuals and families?
Introduction to section 4
Access to credit
Food insecurity and assistance
Health care assistance
Higher education
Hiring practices
Housing assistance programs and low-income renters.

Vol. 2
Impact on legal system
Secondary effects
Social security
Wages and income
Welfare/cash assistance programs
Section 5 : How did governments respond to the Great Recession?
Introduction to section 5
Government response, local
Government response, state
Government response, tribal
International government and nongovernmental organization responses
Political parties and major legislative responses
Section 6 : How long will the effects of the Great Recession last?
Introduction to section 6
Double dip recession risk
A "normal economy"
Structural economic changes
Section 7: How did U.S. society respond to poverty during the Great Recession?
Introduction to section 7
Nonprofit organizations
Political ideologies
Religious groups
Societal view of poverty
Conclusion: What can be done about poverty in the United States?
Primary documents
Part A. Understanding the Great Recession
Part B. The Great Recession and poverty.

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