

Machine generated contents note: 1. Geological Time: The Court Jester on the Platform of Life
Tectonics, Asteroids, Plumes, Punctuation, Gaia: Revolutions in Earth Science
Evolution: From Neo-Darwinism to Complex Emergence
A Punctuated Earth Systems Synthesis
Origins: The Hadean and the Archean
The Archean/Paleo-Proterozoic Crisis
The Neoproterozoic Crisis and the Cambrian: A Snowball Earth?
Phanerozoic Super-Cycles
and Biotic Extinctions and Escalations
Mass Extinctions
2. Human Emergence
Into the Cenozoic Icehouse
The Court Jester in the Cenozoic: Debate and Three Kinds of Evidence
Miocene Apes and the Early Hominins
Orbital Cycles: From the 23K World to the 41K World
The 41K World and the Genus Homo
The 100K World: Homo Heidelbergensis, Archaic Homo Sapiens
Modern Humans in the 100K World
The Modern Origins Debate and a Renewed Understanding of Mortality
Gould and Eldridge's Punctuation Meets Boserup's Intensification: Toward a New Understanding of the Upper Paleolithic

3. Agricultural Revolutions
Changing Climates: The End of the Pleistocene
New Climate Science, New Archaeological Science
Human Adaptation at the Balling-Allerad Warming: The Mesolithic
The Younger Dryas and the Early Holocene: Cereal Domestication in the Northern Mid-Latitudes
Early Holocene Warming and Tropical Domestications
Into the Mid-Holocene: Final Domestications and First Dispersals
4. The Mid-Holocene, the Late Neolithic, and the Urban-State Revolution
The Emergence of Modern Global Climates: The Mid-Holocene Transition
The Mid-Holocene Crisis and the Rise of the State
Neolithic Intensification: The Secondary Products Revolution
China and Mesopotamia in the Neolithic-Bronze Age Transition
5. Human Well-Being from the Paleolithic to the Rise of the State
Human Health in the Paleolithic
The Neolithic Demographic Transition
Civilizational Stresses in the Neolithic
Fertility and Mortality in the Neolithic
Fertility, Mortality, and the Origins of Complex Societies: The Case of Southwest Asia

6. Stasis and Growth in the Epoch of Agrarian Empires
Getting Ahead, Running in Place, Falling Behind
Population Growth and Dark Ages
Endogenous Degradations?
Late Holocene Climate Reversals
Disease and Epidemics
Energy: Innovation, Labor, and Slavery
7. Optimum and Crisis in Early Civilizations, 3000-500 BC
The Old World Bronze Age: Expansions and Crises, 3000-1000 BC
The Preclassical Crisis and the Age of Iron, 1200-300 BC
A Global View on Optimum and Crisis
Human Health in the Bronze Age Optimum and the Iron Age/Preclassical Crisis
8. A Global Antiquity, 500 BC-AD 542
The Problem of Growth in Antiquity
China, Iron, and Rotary Power
Global Antiquity: Numbers and Climate
The Rise of Rome
The Fall of Rome?
9. The Global Dark and Middle Ages, AD 542-1350
Climate Reversals in the Tropics and the North
The Dark Ages, AD 400-900
The Medieval Climate Anomaly, AD 900-1275
Population and Health in the Old World Dark and Middle Ages

Growth and Crisis in the Medieval World, 1000-1350
Southern Asia
North America
China and Mongolia
Into the Little Ice Age
The Little Ice Age and the Black Death
10. Climate, Demography, Economy, and Polity in the Late Medieval-Early Modern World, 1350-1700
Population in and beyond the Third Age of Epidemics, 1300-1800
The Question of Growth and Divergence
The Aftermath of the Third Age of Epidemics
Emerging European Empires, New World Depopulation
The Little Ice Age, New World Depopulation, and the Origins of the African Slave Trade
The Little Ice Age and Early Modern Eurasia
Early Modern England in the Age of Empire, the Little Ice Age, and the Seventeenth-Century Crisis
The Seventeenth-Century English Energy Revolution
11. Global Transformations: Atlantic Origins, 1700-1870
The End of the Little Ice Age and the Beginning of Modern Population Growth, 1700-1860's
The Beginnings of the Modern Anthropocene
Industrial Revolutions
The First Industrial Revolution
Emissions and Atmosphere, 1800-1880

12. Launching Modern Growth: 1870 to 1945
Urbanization, a New Political Economy, and the Second Industrial Revolution
Atlantic Cities and the First Wave: Environmental Crisis and Social Reform
The Second Industrial Revolution
The Demographic Revolution, 1800-1945
1914-1945: A World in Crisis, Growth on Hold
Environmental Impacts, 1870-1945: The Second Wave
13. Growth beyond Limits: 1945 to Present
The Demographic Revolution, Part II: 1945 to Present
The Age of High Growth and a Third Industrial Revolution? The World Economy, 1945 to Present
Environmental Impacts, 1945 to Present: Confronting the Third Wave
The Modern Anthropocene
Malthus Vindicated?
Deniers, Pessimists, and Pragmatists.

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