

An account of the Persian kings who ruled the region at Babylonia and the East after Kayqubādh
The children of Israel after Solomon the son of David
The story of Asa b. Abijah and Zerah the Indian
The story of Isaiah's friend, the kings of the children of Israel and Sennacherib
Account of Luhrāsb and his son Bishtāsb; the expedition of Nebuchadnezzar against the Israelites and how he destroyed Jerusalem
The reason why Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem
The story of Nebuchadnezzar's raid against the Arabs
Returning to the story of Bishtāsb, his reign and its events, initiated by him as well as others, such as his governors; also the deeds of Nebuchadnezzar
The kings of the Yaman in the days of Qābūs and after him to the age of Bahman b. Isfandiyār
Ardashīr Bahman and his daughter Khumāni
The history of the Israelites and the synchronization of their chronological data with those of the Persian kings
The account of Darius (Dārā) the elder and his son Darius the Younger ; The account of Alexander (Dhū al-Qarnayn)
The Persians after Alexander
The Arsacid (Ashaghān) kings
The events that occurred during the rule of these regional princes
The story of Jesus son Mary and his mother
The Roman rulers
Ḥīrah and Anbār
ʻAmr b. Ẓarib
Ṭasm and Jadīs
The story of the men of the cave
Jonah son of Amittai
The sending by God of his three envoys
The story of Samson
The story of Jirjīs.

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