

Genealogical table of the later Sāsānians as represented by Sayf b. ʻUmar
Genealogical table of the later Sāsānians as attested in sources other than Sayf b. ʻUmar
The caliphate of Abū Bakr al-Ṣiddīq. The events of the year 12 (633/634). The Battle of al-Madhār, The Battle of al-Walajah, About Ullays, which is on the Euphrates itself, The affair of Amghīshiyā, The day of al-Maqr and the mouth of Furāt Bādaqlā, What happened after al-Ḥīrah, Al-Anbār, which is Dhāt al-ʻUyūn, and Kalwādhā, About ʻAyn al-Tamr, Dūmat al-Jandal, Ḥuṣayd, Al-Khanāfis, Al-Muṣayyakh of the Banū al-Barshāʼ, Al-Thanī and al-Zumayl, Al-Firāḍ, Khālid's pilgrimage, Those who say Abū Bakr led the pilgrimage, Those who say ʻUmar led the pilgrimage ; The events of the year 13 (634/635). Al-Yarmūk, Continuation of the report of Ibn Isḥāq, Continuation of the report of Abū Zayd, [Abū Bakr's illness and death], Who washed Abū Bakr, his shroud, who prayed over him, the time of his funeral prayer, and the time at which he died, Abū Bakr's appearance, Abū Bakr's genealogy, his name, and what he was known by, The names of Abū Bakr's wives, The names of his judges, secretaries, and tax officials, [His appointment of ʻUmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb as his successor]
The caliphate of ʻUmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb. The events of the year 13 (cont'd) (634/635). [The expedition of Fiḥl and the conquest of Damascus], The report about Damascus according to Sayf, The affair of Fiḥl according to Sayf, Baysān, Tiberias, Al-Muthannā b. Ḥārithah and Abū ʻUbayd b. Masʻūd, Al-Namāriq, Al-Saqāṭiyyah in Kaskar, The Battle of al-Qarqus, which is also called al-Quss, Quss al-Nāṭif, the bridge, and al-Marwaḥah, Lesser Ullays, Al-Buwayb, Al-Khanāfis, What stirred up the matter of al-Qādisiyyah.

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