

The Events of the Year 193 (cont'd) (808-809). The Succession of Muhammad al-Amin as Caliph. Causes of the Discord between al-Amin and al-Mamun. The Letter of Muhammad al-Amin to His Brother Abdallah al-Mamun. The Letter of Muhammad al-Amin to His Brother Salih. Various items of Information
The Events of the Year 194 (809-810). Reasons for the Falling out between Muhammad al-Amin and Abdallah al-Mamun. Various Items of Information
The Events of the Year 195 (810-811). Al-Amin Forbids Prayer for al-Mamun and al-Qasim as Heirs. Ali b. Isa b. Mahan Assigned Command of al-Jabal. Ali b. Isa b. Mahan Goes to al-Rayy to Fight the Forces of al-Mamun. Al-Amin Sends Abd al-Rahman b. Jabalah to Fight Tahir. Tahir b. al-Husayn Named Dhu al-Yaminayn. The Rebellion of al-Sufyani in Syria. Tahir Expels al-Amin's Agents from al-Jibal Province. The Death of Abd al-Rahman b. Jabalah al-Abnawi. Various Items of Information
The Events of the Year 196 (811-812).

Al-Amin Imprisons Asad b. Yazid and Dispatches Ahmad b. Mazyad to Fight Tahir. Al-Mamun Raises the Rank of al-Fadl b. Sahl. Abd al-Malik b. Salih Appointed Governor of Syria. Abd al-Malik b. Salih Recruits Troops in Syria for al-Amin. The Abortive Coup of al-Husayn b. Ali b. Isa b. Mahan against al-Amin in Baghdad. The Death of Muhammad b. Yazid al-Muhallabi and Tahir's Entry into al-Ahwaz. Tahir Takes al-Madain and Marches toward Sarsar. The Governor of Mecca Casts off Allegiance to al-Amin. Harthamah b. Ayan Defeats al-Amin's Forces. Some of Tahir's Men Go over to al-Amin
The Events of the Year 197 (812-813). Details and Results of the Siege of Baghdad. The Battle at Qasr Salih. Tahir Forbids Boatmen to Bring Anything to Baghdad. The Battle of al-Kunasah. The Battle of Darb al-Hijarah. The Battle of al-Shammasiyyah Gate
The Events of the Year 198 (813-814). Tahir Captures Baghdad. The Death of al-Amin. The Army Mutinies against Tahir.

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