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Part I: The Skeleton
the Primary Structure that Sets Vertebrates Apart
is an Evasive Structure
Well-Defined Geometric Patterns Appeared in Animal Evolution Independently of the Skeleton
Astonishing Gene Permanence throughout Vertebrates and the Origin of the Skeleton
Some of the Most Important External Organs in Mammals have no Skeleton
Body Geometry Follows the Skeleton only Partially
Part II: The Geometry of the Vertebrate Body Takes the Form of Parallel Stripes and Concentric Circles which are the Products of Molecular Cascades
Longitudinal and Transversal Stripes in Vertebrates
The Geometric Patterns of Zebras and of Transgenic Mice are Directed by Specific Genes
the Geometry of Mammals Becomes Also Molecular
The Eye
a Main Center of Circularity with Implications for Development and Evolution
The Circularity of the Vertebrate Body
Concentric Circles are a General Feature of Vertebrates
Two Poles of Circularity: Head-Neck and Rump
Part III: Geometry
an Obsession of the Animal and Human Minds
Science from its Onset to the Present has been Pervaded by Geometry
Spirals Produced by Inert Matter as well as by Spiders and Humans
Hexagons Formed by Molecules and by the Minds of Wasps and Humans
Part IV: The Mind Consists of the Same Matter that has Displayed Order and Coherence throughout its Evolution
It may Sound Outrageous but the Human Condition Appears to be Anchored in the Organization of Galaxies
The Evolution of Matter is Characterized by Geometry and Permanence
the Primary Source of Coherence
Part V: The Brain has its Own Geometry and is Able to Change the Body?s Geometry in Seconds
The Presence of Chromosomes is not Obligatory for Brain Function Brain, Eye, Blood and Skin Cells Work Efficiently without a Nucleus
The Ordered Origin of the Brain
The Brain Turns Out to have its Own Geometry
Left and Right Side, of the Body and of the Brain, are not Mirror Images and Behave Independently
How the Brain Changes the Body Geometry at Will
Part VI: The Brain is an Unreliable Magician
The Concept of Soul Became Evident Following the Agricultural Revolution 8,000 B.C
How it Changed Since Then
Brain Imagery
Visual Perception of Form, Color and Motion
The Dream
Another Form of Brain Imagery
Plato had no Electron Microscope
Molecular Geometry Reverses his Concept of Reality.

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