

Motion pictures
Never seen this picture before : Muybridge in Multicplicty, 2003 / Tom Gunning
Futurist photodynamism, 1913 / Anton Giulio Bragaglia
Montage is conflict, 1929 / Sergei Eisenstein
A few brief moments of cinematic time, 1999 / Michael Tarantio
The captive moment
On the snapshot, 1930 / Carlo Rim
Images à la sauvette, 1952 / Henri Cartier-Bresson
The face of Garbo, 1957 / Roland Barthes
Warhol shoots Empire ,30 July, 1964 / Jonas Mekas
Time exposure and snapshot : the photograph as paradox, 1978 / Thierry de Duve
On photography and cinema, 1984 / Agnès Varda
Beyond the movement-image, 1985 / Gilles Deleuze
The ballad of sexual dependency, 1986 / Nan Goldin
Cool memories, 1996 / Jean Baudrillard
Moments in time, 1999 / Susanne Gaensheimer
Photography, 1927 / Siegfried Kracauer
Image sequences/series, 1946 / László Moholy-Nagy
Observations on the long take, 1967 / Pier Paolo Pasolini
Time sequences, continuity of movement, 1971 / Wim Wenders
The pivot of the world : photography and its nation, 2006 / Blake Stimson
Photography at the cinema
Moving pictures, 1937 / Beaumont Nehall
Wavelength by Michael Snow, 1968 / Steve Reich
Fire and ice / Peter Wollen
The imaginary of the photograph in film theory, 1984 / Constance Penley
The pensive spectator, 1984 / Raymond Bellour
Photography and fetish, 1985 / Christian Metz
Stillness in the moving image, 2003 / Laura Mulvey
From one image to another
Why I go to the movies alone, 1983 / Richard Prince
Photography and cinema, 1989 / Catherine David
Melancholic mutations in Cindy Sherman's Film Stills, 1996 / Régis Durand
An email exchange, 2005 / Jeff Wall and Mike Figgis
Interview with Anna Holtzman, 2006 / Gregory Crewdson
Mixed media/mixed memory
On photography, 1977 / Susan Sontag
La Jetée, 2003 / Chris Marker
The dialectical image : La Jetée and photography-as-cinema, 1999/2006 / Uriel Orlow
Safety in numbness, some remarks on problems of 'late photography,' 2003 / David Campany
In her own time : interview with Miriam Rosen, 2004 / Chantal Akerman
Possessive, pensive and possessed, 2006 / Victor Burgin..

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