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Foreword / Orville Vernon Burton
Introduction / Timothy P. Grady and Melissa Walker
Mineral water, dancing, and amusements : the development of tourism in the nineteenth-century Upcountry / Melissa Walker
"Education has breathed over the scene" : Robert H. Reid and the Reidville schools, 1857-1905 / Timothy P. Grady
Prelude to Little Bighorn : the Seventh U.S. Cavalry in the South Carolina Upcountry / Andrew H. Myers
"At present we have no school at all which is truly unfortunate" : freedmen and schools in Abbeville County, 1865-1875 / Katherine D. Cann
From slavery to freedom : African American life in post-Civil War Spartanburg / Diane C. Vecchio
African Americans and the Presbyterian Church : the Clinton Presbyterian Church and Sloan's Chapel / Nancy Snell Griffith
"Murder takes the angel shape of justice" : rape, reputation, and retribution in nineteenth-century Spartanburg / Carol Loar
"May the Lord keep down hard feelings" : the Woodrow evolution controversy and the 1884 Presbyterian Synod of South Carolina / Robert B. McCormick.

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