Table of Contents
Meeting the Queen
Sacred sources. Father and daughter ; Instability ; Mothers and fathers ; The sex circus ; The blood ; Moving on up
Columbia. The biggest and best ; Gentleman pimp ; Water, water everywhere ; What a difference a day makes ; Fools
Atlantic. Never loved ; Keep rolling ; Natural ; Year of years ; High maintenance ; Spirit ; Right reverend ; Amazing ; Hey ; Shop around ; The spark ; Fairy-tale princess ; The hustle
Arista. Daddy's little girl ; Back on track ; Home ; Our father ; Diva-fication ; In the storm too long ; The mixture as before ; Party therapy ; A rose ; VincerĂ² ; Damage control
The lioness in winter. What Aretha wants ; Oldies but goodies ; A woman falling out of love ; The once and future Queen.
Sacred sources. Father and daughter ; Instability ; Mothers and fathers ; The sex circus ; The blood ; Moving on up
Columbia. The biggest and best ; Gentleman pimp ; Water, water everywhere ; What a difference a day makes ; Fools
Atlantic. Never loved ; Keep rolling ; Natural ; Year of years ; High maintenance ; Spirit ; Right reverend ; Amazing ; Hey ; Shop around ; The spark ; Fairy-tale princess ; The hustle
Arista. Daddy's little girl ; Back on track ; Home ; Our father ; Diva-fication ; In the storm too long ; The mixture as before ; Party therapy ; A rose ; VincerĂ² ; Damage control
The lioness in winter. What Aretha wants ; Oldies but goodies ; A woman falling out of love ; The once and future Queen.