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Creative and Innovative Research ? Our Only Hope for Achieving Sustainable Food and Energy Security.- Moving Toward Energy Security and Sustainability in 2050 by Reconfiguring Biofuel Production
Sustainability Standards
Soil Degradation, Land Use and Sustainability
Impact of Technology and Policy on Sustainable Agricultural Water Use and Food Security
Turning the GM Battleship: The Tide of Popular Opinion and the Future of Genetically Modified Foods
Sustainable Production of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Achieving Sustainable Agriculture: Overview of Current and Future Agronomic Best Practices
Sustainable Agriculture and Soybean Breeding: Contribution of Soybean Yield Increase to Sustainable Agriculture
Impact of Herbicide Tolerant Crops on Soil Health and Sustainable Agriculture Crop Production
The Role of Biotechnology in Sustainable Agriculture of the 21st Century: The Commercial Introduction of Bollgard II in Burkina Faso
The Borlaug Institute and Its Contributions to World Food and Economic Security
Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA): An Example of a Public Private Partnership
The Importance of Herbicides for Natural Resource Conservation in the U.S.
The 4R-BMP Concept: Enhanced Nutrient Management for Agricultural Sustainability and Food and Energy Security.

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