

Looking up from the gurney
Center stage
Max, Barack, Hillary, Billy, and the gathering consensus
"This is what I thought the Senate would be like"
A new president commits, and his camp divides
Every lobbyist's favorite date
Punting to Capitol Hill
Deal time
Behind closed doors: White House turf wars, industry deals, and Senate wrangling
The Tea Party summer, "I'm feeling lucky," and "You lie"
Snow jobs, poison pills, and Botox
New trouble, then Mount Everest
In Washington "everything is slipping," but not in Kentucky
An Office becomes a Center, and it matters
Meantime, outside the beltway...
Waiting for Obamacare
A guy in jeans, red lights, and a "train wreck"
Two months to go
Thirty days to go
The crash
Meltdown in D.C., dancing on eight toes in Kentucky, and frustration in Ohio
The rescue
The finish line
Stuck in the jalopy.

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