

I. The first part. Who I am - a girl named Rose (Rows) - My dog, Rain (Reign, Rein) - The rules of homonyms - Some things about my father, whose name, Wesley Howard, does not have a homonym - When we got rain - Who I wait for - Why I don't ride the bus - In my classroom - Mrs. Leibler, who sits next to me - Anders isn't following the rules - When Rain went to school - Some more about homonyms - At the end of the day
II. The part about the hurricane. The storm on the weather channel - Where we live - Waiting - Storm sounds - Rain doesn't come when I call - Why I get mad at my father - Rain's nose - What must have happened
III. The next part. Why my father gets mad at me - I telephone Uncle Weldon - How to look for a lost dog - Someone calls me ma'am - My story is such a sad one - Riding with Uncle Weldon - What to do when you think of a new homonym - Empty space - The good phone call - The Happy Tail Animal Shelter in Elmara, New York - What a microchip is - What Mrs. Caporale says
IV. The hard part. The thing I have to do - Mrs. Kushel's helpful suggestions - Where Rain used to live - The general store in Gloverstown - Found: blond female dog - Parvani finds a homonym - My father makes a mistake with pronouns - Protecting rain - What Mrs. Kushel says - Good-bye
V. The last part. The quiet house - My father has an argument with his brother - In the middle of the night - What happened to my mother - Hud Road
Author's note.

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