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The Nature of Manias, Bubbles and Crashes: Introduction
Value Trading vs. Momentum Trading
The Rise of Manias and Bubbles
Stages in the Boom-Bubble-Bust Sequence
Fueling the Boom
Role of the Media
Bubbles, Wealth and Inflation
Speculations, Bootstraps and Swindles
The Rationality of Investors, Bankers and Experts?
Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve System
Fiscal Policy and Taxes
Deposit Insurance
Regulation, Deregulation and No Regulation
Pension Plans
The Valuation of Common Stocks
Internal Feedback and Endogenous Risk
When the Bubble Pops
A Short History of Booms, Bubbles, and Busts: The New World
Florida Land Boom of the 1920s
The Stock Market and the Economy of the 1920s
The Great Depression of the 1930s
The Savings and Loan Scandal of the 1980s
The Bull Market of 1982-1995
The Crash of 1987
The Dot.Com Mania
The Debt-Driven Asset Bubble Era of 1982-2013
Other Bubbles and Swindles of the late 1990s and 2000s. The Sub-Prime Real Estate Boom 1998-2007
The Real Estate Boom of 2013-2014
Japan and East Asia
The Next Bubble.

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