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Part 1, Introduction To Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) :
Chapter 1: Overview of sexual health and the reproductive system:
1-1: Female reproductive system
1-2: Male reproductive system
Chapter 2: What is an STD?
Chapter 3: Trends in STD infection in the United States
Chapter 4: Trends in STD infection worldwide:
4-1: Trends in STDs other than HIV/AIDS
4-2: Global HIV/AIDS epidemic
Chapter 5: Women and STDs:
5-1: Ten ways STDs impact women differently than men
5-2: STDs in women
5-3: STDs in women who have sex with women
Chapter 6: Men and STDs:
6-1: HPV in men
6-2: HIV/AIDS in men
6-3: STDs in men who have sex with men
Chapter 7: STDs in children:
7-1: Child sexual abuse and STDs
7-2: Child abuse survivors have higher risk for STDs in adulthood
Chapter 8: STDs in adolescents and young adults
Chapter 9: STDs in older adults
Chapter 10: Racial disparities in STD rates:
10-1: Overview of STD racial disparities
10-2: African Americans disproportionately affected by STDs
10-3: Latinos bear a disproportionate burden of the HIV epidemic
Chapter 11: STDs in people in correctional facilities
Chapter 12: Recent STD research findings
Part 2, Types Of STDs :
Chapter 13: Common symptoms of STDs
Chapter 14: Chancroid
Chapter 15: Chlamydia:
15-1: What is Chlamydia?
15-2: Chlamydia is the most common cause of nongonococcal urethritis
15-3: Chlamydia treatment
Chapter 16: Donovanosis (granuloma inguinale)
Chapter 17: Gonorrhea:
17-1: What is gonorrhea?
17-2: Gonorrhea treatment
17-3: Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea infections
Chapter 18: Herpes:
18-1: Genital herpes
18-2: Oral herpes
18-3: Treating and managing herpes
Chapter 19: Hepatitis:
19-1: What is hepatitis?
19-2: Hepatitis and HIV coinfection
19-3: Treating hepatitis
Chapter 20: HIV/AIDS:
20-1: How HIV causes AIDS
20-2: How the immune system reacts to HIV
20-3: Questions and answers about HIV transmission
20-4: HIV signs and symptoms
20-5: Testing for HIV
20-6: HIV and its treatment
20-7: Living with HIV
20-8: How can I pay for HIV care?
20-9: Affordable Care Act and people living with HIV/AIDS
Chapter 21: Human papillomavirus (HPV):
21-1: What is genital HPV infection and how does it affect women?
21-2: HPV and men
21-3: Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
21-4: Pap tests and cervical cancer screening to check for HPV
21-5: Making sense of your HPV test results
21-6: What you should know when you are diagnosed with genital warts
21-7: Treating HPV and related problems
21-8: HPV infection and cancer
Chapter 22: Lymphogranuloma venereum
Chapter 23: Syphilis:
23-1: What is syphilis?
23-2: Treating syphilis
Chapter 24: Trichomoniasis
Part 3, Complications That May Accompany STD Infection :
Chapter 25: Infections and syndromes that develop after sexual contact:
25-1: Bacterial vaginosis
25-2: Cytomegalovirus
25-3: Fungal (yeast) infection
25-4: Intestinal parasites
25-5: Molluscum contagiosum
25-6: Proctitis, proctocolitis, and enteritis: sexually transmitted gastrointestinal syndromes
25-7: Pubic lice
25-8: Scabies
Chapter 26: Cervicitis
Chapter 27: Epididymitis
Chapter 28: Infertility linked to STD infection
Chapter 29: Neurosyphilis
Chapter 30: Pelvic inflammatory disease
Chapter 31: Pregnancy complications and STDs
Chapter 32: Vaginitis
Part 4, STD Testing And Treatment Concerns :
Chapter 33: Frequently asked questions about STD and HIV testing
Chapter 34: Talking to your health care professional about STDs:
34-1: Talking about your health
34-2: Questions to ask your health care professional about STDs
34-3: For teens: how do I discuss embarrassing things with my doctor?
Chapter 35: Confidentiality issues associated with STD testing:
35-1: Anonymous testing for STDs like HIV
35-2: Confidentiality for adolescents who seek STD testing and care
35-3: At-home/mail order STD tests protect patient confidentiality
Chapter 36: Testing for STDs:
36-1: Where to go and how it works
36-2: Diagnostic laparoscopy: a way to test for STD complications
Chapter 37: Understanding antibiotic resistance and STD treatment
Chapter 38: Unproven STD treatment products
Part 5, STD Risks And Prevention :
Chapter 39: Sexual behaviors that increase the likelihood of STD transmission:
39-1: Overview of risky sexual behaviors
39-2: Choosing high-risk partners increases STD risk
39-3: Oral sex and HIV risk
Chapter 40: Sexually transmitted diseases and substance use
Chapter 41: Other behaviors that increase STD risk:
41-1: Douching may increase risk of STDs
41-2: Body art allows exposure to bloodborne pathogens such as HIV
41-3: Injection drug use
Chapter 42: Talking to sexual partners can reduce STD risk:
42-1: Talking to your partner about condoms
42-2: Telling your partner you have an STD
42-3: Sharing your HIV status
Chapter 43: Talking to your child or teen about STDs
Chapter 44: Sex education and STD prevention
44-1: Overview of sex education
44-2: What programs effectively prevent STDs in youth?
44-3: Are abstinence only sexual education programs effective?
44-4: Behavioral intervention may reduce STD rates
Chapter 45: Preventing STDs with safer sex:
45-1: What is "safer" sex?
45-2: Condoms: do they work to prevent STDs?
45-3: Tips for using condoms and dental dams to prevent STDs
45-4: Spermicides alone do not protect against STDs
Chapter 46: Preventing STDs after possible or certain exposure
46-1: Expedited partner therapy
46-2: Preventing STDs after a sexual assault
46-3: Post-exposure prophylaxis: taking HIV drugs if you've been exposed to the virus through blood or sexual contact
Chapter 47: Preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission
Chapter 48: Needle exchange programs: preventing STDs in injection drug users
Chapter 49: STD vaccines and microbicides:
49-1: Anti-HIV drug acts to block herpes virus
49-2: Herpevac trial
49-3: Shutting down the genital herpes virus with microbicides
49-4: Preventive HIV vaccines
49-5: Therapeutic HIV vaccines
49-6: Understanding the HPV vaccine
49-7: HPV vaccine information for preteens and teens
49-8: HPV vaccine soon to be recommended for preteen boys as well as girls
Part 6, Additional Help And Information :
Chapter 50: Glossary of terms related to sexually transmitted diseases
Chapter 51: Directory of organizations that provide information about sexually transmitted diseases

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