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Weak Coin Flipping in a Device-Independent Setting
Security of Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Protocols
The Locking-Decoding Frontier for Generic Dynamics
Telescopic Relative Entropy. Approximating the Turaev-Viro Invariant of Mapping Tori is Complete for One Clean Qubit
Span-Program-Based Quantum Algorithm for Evaluating Unbalanced Formulas
Self-testing Graph States
Unconditionally-Secure and Reusable Public-Key Authentication
Long Distance Quantum Key Distribution with Continuous Variables
Multi-Query Quantum Sums
Bitwise Quantum Min-Entropy Sampling and New Lower Bounds for Random Access Codes
Which Graph States are Useful for Quantum Information Processing?
Quantum Discord in Quantum Information Theory: From Strong Subadditivity to the Mother Protocol
Local Unitary Group Stabilizers and Entanglement for Multiqubit Symmetric States.

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