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A cost based reweighed scheme of Principal Support Vector Machine
Power assessment of a new test of independence
Divergence Minimizers for Hadamard Differentiable Functionals
Advances in permutation tests for covariates in a mixture model for preference data analysis
Semiparametric generalized estimating equations in misspecified models
Local Covariance Estimation using Costationarity
Stable Non-parametric Signal Filtration in Nonlinear Models
Block bootstrap for the autocovariance coefficients of periodically correlated time series
Bootstrapping Realized Bipower Variation
Multiple testing approaches for removing background noise from images
Peak-Load Forecasting using a Functional Semi-Parametric Approach
An open problem on strongly consistent learning of the best prediction for Gaussian processes
Testing for equality of an increasing number of spectral density functions
Multiscale local polynomial models for estimation and testing
Distributions of Clusters of Exceedances and Their Applications in Telecommunication Networks
Diagnostic procedures for spherically symmetric distributions
A nonparametric causality test: Detection of direct causal effects in multivariate systems using Corrected Partial Transfer Entropy
A high performance biomarker detection method for exhaled breath mass spectrometry data
Local polynomials for variable selection
On the CLT on Low Dimensional Stratified Spaces- Kernel Density Outlier Detector
Model Selection for Classification with a Large Number of Classes.-Semiparametric Bayesian Small Area Estimation Based on Dirichlet Process Priors
Bootstrap confidence intervals in nonparametric regression without an additive model
Heteroskedastic linear regression: steps towards adaptivity, efficiency, and robustness- Level Set Estimation
Nonparametric Permutation-Based Control Charts for Ordinal Data
The latest advances on the Hill estimator and its modifications
Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Estimation Using Particle Filters
Guaranteed Estimation of Logarithmic Density Derivative by Dependent Observations
Nonparametric Statistics and High/Infinite Dimensional Data.

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