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Caves, dripstones and soils tell about past climates
In the beginning
When Tiamat and Marduk ruled the worlds
Tiamat and Marduk depart, enter Adam and Eve the tool makers
Adam and Eve depart, enter Cain the planter and Abel the shepherd
The Deluge covers the Cradle of Civilization
From the Tower of Babel to the Laws of Hammurabi
From Shem the son of Noah to Abraham son of Terah
The destruction of Sodom and Gemorrah
Abraham explores the groundwater resources of the Negev
Egypt:?a land like a garden of herbs
Foreign rulers ? The Hyksos. Foreign climate - The Ten Plagues
Crossing the land of swamps and reeds
That great and terrible wilderness (Deut. 1:19)
To smite the rock and water shall come out.

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