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Preface; Contents; 1 Introduction: Paleoneurology, Resurgent!; Abstract; References; 2 Neuroscience and Human Brain Evolution; Abstract; Introduction; Reorganization in Structure; Reorganization in Connectivity; Reorganization in Molecular Biology; How Does This Evidence Affect Our View of Hominin Brain Evolution?; References; 3 Computed Tools for Paleoneurology; Abstract; Introduction; Creating a Virtual Endocast; Quantifying Size and Shape; Virtual Reconstruction; Dealing with Uncertainty; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; 4 Functional Craniology and Brain Evolution; Abstract

IntroductionBrain and Braincase; The Endocranial Structural System; Insights into Paleoneurology; Frontal Lobes; Parietal Lobes; Occipital Lobes; The Endocranial Base; Hemispheric Asymmetries; Vessels; Perspectives in Functional Craniology; Acknowledgments; References; 5 Human Brain Evolution: Ontogeny and Phylogeny; Abstract; Introduction; Brain Size; Evolutionary Increase of Endocranial Volume; Developmental Increase of Endocranial Volume in Humans and Chimpanzees; Evolutionary Changes of Brain Growth; Brain Shape; Evolutionary Changes of Endocranial Shape

Developmental Changes of Endocranial Shape in Humans and ChimpanzeesEvolutionary Changes of Brain Development; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; 6 Paleoneurology and Behaviour; Abstract; Introduction; Laterality; The Ontogeny of Human Hand Preference; Hand Preferences in Extant Apes; Hand Preferences, Handedness, and Brain Asymmetries in Extinct Hominins; Material Culture Evidence for Prehistoric Hand-Use Patterns; Fossil Evidence for Prehistoric Asymmetries; Functional Lateralization of the Brain; Language and Cultural Behaviours; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References

7 NeuroarchaeologyAbstract; Introduction; Neuroarchaeology Theory; Grounded Cognition; Extended Mind; Perception and Action; Executive Function; Social Cognition; Neuroarchaeology Methods; Case Study: The Neuroarchaeology of Stone Tool-Making; The Prospects of Neuroarchaeology; References; 8 Cognitive Archaeology and the Cognitive Sciences; Abstract; The First Leap in Cognition: Transition from Tree to Ground Sleep in Archaic Humans; The Archaeological Record for Archaic Humans; Challenges of Terrestrial Life; The Second Leap in Cognition: Expanded Working Memory in Homo Sapiens

Archaeological Evidence for Improvements in Working MemoryEnhanced Working Memory; Another Important Change: Morphometric Rescaling of the Parietal Lobe; Summary; References; 9 Techniques for Studying Brain Structure and Function; Abstract; Techniques for Studying Brain Anatomy; Structural MRI: Imaging Gray and White Matter; DTI: Tracing White Matter Connections; Histological Analysis; Techniques for Studying Brain Function; FMRI: Mapping Neural Activation Using Blood Oxygenation; FDG-PET: Mapping Neural Activation Using Glucose Metabolism

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