Linked e-resources


Nature, Number and Substance
The Shape and Motion of the Heavens
Harmony and Complexity
Earth at the Center of the World
The World of Ptolemy
Measuring the Tropical Year
Geometrical Tools
The Sun, the Moon and the Calendar
From Astronomy to Cartography
Climates and Continents
Heliocentrism: Hypothesis or Truth?
Earth as a Wandering Star
Re-ordering the Heavenly Spheres
Celestial Physics
Broken Spheres
Kepler's Third Law
Kepler's First and Second Laws
Mountains on the Moon
The Medician Stars
The Luminosity of Variable Stars
Galactic Spectra
Measuring Astronomical Distances
A New Theory of Gravity
Euclid, Gauss and Mercury's Orbit
A Finite Universe with No Boundary
The Structure of the Universe
Measuring the Potentially Infinite
The Birth of the Big Bang
The Primeval Atom.

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