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Part I: Integrative Perspectives: Introduction: Grounding Self-Regulation in the Brain and Body
An evolving view of the structure of self-regulation
Self-regulation in an evolutionary perspective
Self-regulatory strength: neural mechanisms and implications for training
The muscle metaphor in self-regulation in the light of current theorizing on muscle physiology
Protective inhibition of self-regulation and motivation: extending a classic Pavlovian principle to social and personality functioning
Part II: Interactions between Affect and Cognition in Self-Regulation: Affective modulation of cognitive control: A biobehavioral perspective
Error monitoring under negative affect: A window into maladaptive self-regulation processes
External signals of metacognitive control
From distraction to mindfulness: Psychological and neural mechanisms of attention strategies in self-regulation
Part III: The Central Nervous System and Self-Regulation: From the reward circuit to the valuation system: How the brain motivates the behavior
Neural foundations of motivational orientations
Motus moderari: A neuroscience-informed model for self-regulation of emotion and motivation
More than the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC): New advances in understanding the neural foundations of self-insight
Self-regulation in social decision-making: A neurobiological perspective
Part IV: Self-Regulation: Mental effort: Brain and autonomic correlates in health and disease
Psychobiology of perceived effort during physical tasks
Bounded effort automaticity: A drama in four parts
The intensity of behavioral restraint: Determinants and cardiovascular correlates
Self-striving: How self-focused attention affects effort-related cardiovascular activity
Future thought and the self-regulation of energization
Part V: Self-Regulatory Problems and Their Development: Depression and self-regulation: A motivational analysis and insights from effort-related cardiovascular reactivity
Perinatal developmental origins of self-regulation
Self-regulation through rumination: Consequences and mechanisms
Biological aspects of self-esteem and stress
A basic and applied model of the body-mind system.

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