Linked e-resources


Introduction / Gali Einav
Digital media and the transformation of space / John Carey
The companies we keep : social networks, customer service, and the coming corporate challenges / Liel Leibovitz
Health as a social media / Kristen M. Daly
The new roles of engagement : social media, online games, and the new wave of digital conflict and competition / Rich Groner
The robot journalist in the age of social physics : the end of human journalism? / Noam Lemelshtrich Latar
The times they are a' changin' ... from newspapers to TV, traditional shifts to digital / Gali Einav and Nathan Lipson
Embracing the era of open source marketing / Carl Fremont
The role of mobile in the media environment / Rita Ku
Next gen video game consumers / Joost van Dreunen
Measuring media usage behavior : improving the quality of research and reports on consumers' use of media / Horst Stipp.

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