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Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; 1 Overview Greenland Sea; Abstract ; 1.1 Current; 1.2 The MI Effect; 1.3 The Arctic Amplification and NAO; 1.4 Sea-Ice Ecosystem; References; 2 Chlorophyll a, Ice Cover, and North Atlantic Oscillation; Abstract ; 2.1 Introduction; 2.1.1 Sea Ice and the Phytoplankton Biomass; 2.1.2 The Light Effect on Phytoplankton Biomass; 2.2 Data and Methods; 2.3 Results; 2.3.1 CHL Distributions; 2.3.2 The Reason of the High CHL Peaks in Northern Region; 2.3.3 Ice Cover Distributions; 2.3.4 SST, PAR, ICE, and Wind in the 75°N-80°N Region

2.3.5 The Correlation and Regression Analysis Between CHL and ICE2.3.6 The Correlation Analysis Between NAO and CHL; 2.3.7 Correlations of MI and NAO; 2.3.8 The Correlation Analysis Among CHL, MI, and NAO; 2.4 Conclusions; References; 3 Aerosol Optical Depth, Ice Cover, and Cloud Cover; Abstract ; 3.1 Introduction; 3.1.1 Aerosol and Cloud; 3.1.2 Sea Ice, AOD, Cloudiness, and Radiative Balance; 3.2 Results; 3.2.1 The AOD Distributions; 3.2.2 Cloud Cover (CLD) Distributions; 3.2.3 The Correlation Analysis Among AOD, ICE, and CLD; The Correlation Analysis for AOD and ICE The Regression and Lag Analysis for AOD and ICE3.2.3.3 The Correlation and Regression Analysis for AOD and CLD; The Relationship Among AOD, ICE, and CLD; 3.3 Conclusions; References; 4 Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Ice Cover, and Sea Surface Temperature; Abstract ; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Results; 4.2.1 The Distributions of PAR; 4.2.2 Mixed Later Depth (MLD) Distributions; 4.2.3 The Correlation Analysis for PAR and ICE; 4.2.4 Regression and Lag Analysis for PAR and ICE; 4.2.5 The Regression and Lag Analysis for PAR and SST; 4.3 Conclusions; References

5 The Correlation Analysis and Predictions for Chlorophyll a, Aerosol Optical Depth, and Photosynthetically Active RadiationAbstract ; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 The Correlation Analysis for CHL, AOD, and PAR; 5.2.1 The Correlation Analysis Between CHL and AOD; 5.2.2 Correlation Between CHL and Cloud Cover (CLD); 5.2.3 Correlations Between CHL and PAR; 5.2.4 The Correlation Analysis Between AOD and PAR; 5.2.5 The Correlation Analysis Among CHL, PAR, and AOD; 5.3 The Predictions; 5.3.1 The Prediction of CHL; 5.3.2 The Prediction of AOD; 5.3.3 The Prediction of PAR; 5.4 Conclusions; References

6 Conclusions and Discussions6.1 Conclusions; 6.2 Discussions; 6.2.1 The Role of Sea Ice; 6.2.2 More About Arctic Amplification; 6.2.3 Accuracy of the Satellite Data; 6.2.4 Global Warming or Cooling?; 6.2.5 Further Research; References

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