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Preface; Organizing Committees; Honorary Chairman; General Chairs; Program Chairs; Financial Chairs; Secretariat; Publication Chairs; Organization Chairs; Special Session/Workshop Chairs; Publicity Chairs; International Steering Committee; Chair; Members; International Program Committee; Special Session Program Committee; Contents; Research on Visual Editor of Web Services Composition Language; 1 Introduction; 2 Current Researches at Home and Abroad; 3 The Design of Web Services Composition Language Visualization Editor; 3.1 System Design; 3.2 Model Design; 3.3 Figure Design

3.4 Storage Design4 Airline Ticket Reservation System; 5 Conclusions; References; Railway Passengerś Satisfaction Evaluation Based on Entropy Method and Fuzzy Theory; 1 Introduction; 2 Research Status; 3 Passenger Satisfaction Evaluation Index System; 4 Comprehensive Evaluation of the Railway Passengers ́Satisfaction Based on Entropy Method and Fuzzy Theory; 4.1 Introduction of the Entropy Method; 4.2 Weight Calculation of Passengerś Satisfaction Factor; 4.3 Empirical Research of the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation for the Railway Passengers ́Satisfaction; 5 Conclusions; References

E-commerce Model Canvas in 3D Virtual Space: An Application in British Museum1 Introduction and Background; 2 Key Concept; 2.1 3D Virtual Space Operation System; 2.2 E-commerce Model Canvas; 2.3 O2O and O2C Commercial Mode and the Transactions; 3 3DEC Model Canvas Design for British Museum; 3.1 E-commerce Model Canvas of British Museum; 3.2 The Prototype Design of 3DEC Model Canvas in the Early Stage for British Museum; 3.3 Strategy of 3DEC Model Canvas for British Museum; 4 Discussion and Future Work; 5 Conclusion; References

Optimum Retail Pricing Based on Price Comparison in Dual-Channel Supply Chain1 Introduction; 2 Model Description and Assumptions; 2.1 Model Variables and Symbol Descriptions; 2.2 Basic Model; 3 Retail Pricing Models Based on Price Comparison Service; 3.1 Neither of Retailers Is Directly Affected by x0; 3.2 Either of Retailers Is Directly Affected by x0; 3.3 Both of Retailers Are Directly Affected by x0; 4 Simulation Analysis of Retail Pricing Model; 5 Conclusions; References; Improvement of ECTA Mode Based on the Petri Network System; 1 Introduction

2 Analysis of Partial Modification of Workflow3 Improvement of the ECTA Mode Based on the Petri Network System; 4 Empirical Analysis of the ECTA Mode; 5 Conclusions; References; International Marketing of Education Services: Trends, Obstacles and Issues; 1 Introduction; 2 Trends and Obstacles in the International Market Access of Education Services; 3 ICT: Education as a `Service;́ 4 Conclusion and Future Research Directions; References; The Research of Uncertain Data Usage Effectiveness on Supplies; 1 Introduction

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