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Older Women, Power and the Body
Older women, Economic Power and Consumerism
The Impact of Multiple Roles on the Well-being of Older Women: Strain or Enrichment?
Older Women, Leadership and Encore Careers
Sexuality and Older Women: Desirability and Desire
Lesbians over 60: Newer Every Day
Clinical Interventions to Empower Older Women.

Foreword; Contents; Contributors; About the Authors; Introduction; References; Older Women, Power, and the Body; Empowerment and the Exercise of Social Influence; Aging Bodies and Power; Physical Attractiveness; Physical Fitness; Physical Health and Ability; Conclusion; References; Older Women, Economic Power, and Consumerism; Women in the Labor Force; Older Women in the Labor Force; The Wage Gap, the Glass Ceiling, and the Potential Buying Power of Older Women; Consumerism and Older Women; Older Women's Influence in Consumer Markets; Conclusion; References

The Impact of Multiple Roles on the Well-being of Older Women: Strain or Enrichment?Multiple Roles in Late Adulthood: New Developments; The Main Roles of Women in Late Adulthood; Spouse; Parents; Caregiver to Aging Family Members; Volunteer Work; Grandmotherhood; Multiple Roles and Well-Being: Role Strain or Role Enrichment?; Strain or Enrichment? Later Developments; Activity Theory vs. Disengagement Theory and Well-Being; Multiple Roles and Well-Being Among Older Women: Research Findings; Recommendations for Future Research; Summary and Conclusions; Beyond Theory: Hannah's Story; References

Older Women, Leadership, and Encore CareersDefinitions; Barriers and Gender Differences in Leadership; Leadership Opportunities; Encore Careers; Conclusion; References; Sexuality and Older Women: Desirability and Desire; Introduction; Ageism, Sexism, and the Double Standard of Aging; Positive Aging: Agentic or Ageist?; Older Women and Desirability ; Media Messages ; Media Messages ; Desirability; Resisting Cultural Messages Regarding Our Bodies; Medicalization of Aging; Diversity; Older Women and Sexual Desire; What is Desire?; The Medicalization of Older Women's Sexuality

Sexuality, Desire, and Partner RelationshipsBarriers to Healthy Sex for Older Women; Women and Sex Revisited; Mature Women as Sexual; A Sex Positive Approach for Mature Women; Conclusion; References; Lesbians Over 60: Newer Every Day; Older Lesbians: Slowly Becoming Visible?; Lifespan Theories and Older Lesbians; Lifespan Research on Older Lesbians; Social Contexts Affecting Older Lesbians; Personal Relationships; Minority Stress; Race, Ethnicity, and Social Class; Older Lesbians Internationally; Directions for Research; Conclusion; References; Clinical Interventions to Empower Older Women

Overview of Mental Health Issues for Older WomenInteraction of Gender and Aging in Rates of Psychological Disorders; Impact of Psychological Disorders on the Lives of Older Women; Perspectives from Successful Aging on Older Women's Resilience; Interventions to Promote Mental Health for Aging Women; Nonpsychotherapeutic Approaches to Mental Health Interventions with Older Women; Barriers to Mental Health Interventions with Older Women; Principles of Feminist Therapy with Older Women; Incorporating Feminist Therapy into Evidence-Based Treatments with Older Women; References; Conclusion; Index

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