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Preface; References; Contents; Part I: Project Method and Overview; Chapter 1: The ATC21S Method; Background; The Framework; Selecting the℗ Skills; Expert Panels; Substantive Expert Panels; Learning Through Digital Networks; Collaborative Problem Solving; Problem Solving; Psychometric Panel; Teacher Panels; Education Context; Policy and℗ Expectation; Research and℗ Development; Formulating Hypotheses About Progressions; The Commissioned Task Developers; National Project Manager (NPM) Role; The Development Process; Drafting; Panelling; Cognitive Laboratories; Piloting; Trial

The Data Capture System Mapping to℗ the℗ Blueprint; Coding; Conversion and℗ Scoring; Calibrating; Estimating Student Ability Parameters and℗ Determining the℗ Levels; Reports; Teaching Twenty-First Century Skills; Conclusion; References; Part II: Conceptual Framework for Internet Based Collaborative Assessment Tasks; Chapter 2: A Framework for℗ Teachable Collaborative Problem Solving Skills; Collaborative Problem Solving; Collaborative Problem Solving Processes; Collaborative Problem Solving Skills; Social Process Skills; Participation Skills; Perspective Taking Skills

Social Regulation Skills Cognitive Process Skills; Task Regulation Skills; Learning and℗ Knowledge Building Skills; Assessment of℗ Collaborative Problem Solving Skills; Summary; References; Chapter 3: Assessment of℗ Learning in℗ Digital Networks; How to℗ Assess Digital Learning; Learning in℗ Networks: The℗ Construct Map; The Four Strands; Learning in℗ Networks: Three Scenarios; Arctic Trek; Webspiration; Second Language Chat; Sample Tasks from℗ Arctic Trek; The Outcome Space for℗ the℗ Three Scenarios; Results from℗ the℗ Pilot Study; Conclusion and℗ Next Steps; References

Part III: Delivery of Collaborative Tasks, Their Scoring, Calibration and InterpretationChapter 4: Collaborative Problem Solving Tasks; Introduction; Problem and℗ Task Characteristics; Content-Free Collaborative Problem Solving Tasks; Laughing Clowns Task; Social Skill: Interaction; Social Skill: Audience Awareness; Cognitive Skill: Resource Management; Cognitive Skill: Relationships (Representing and℗ Formulating); Olive Oil Task; Social Skill: Interaction; Cognitive Skill: Cause and℗ Effect; Cognitive Skill: Problem Analysis; Cognitive Skill: Solution

Content-Dependent Collaborative Problem Solving TasksBalance Beam Task; Social Skill: Responsiveness; Cognitive Skill: Systematicity; Cognitive Skill: Sets Goals; Game of℗ 20 Task; Social Skill: Responsiveness; Social Skill: Responsibility Initiative; Cognitive Skill: Cause and℗ Effect; Cognitive Skill: Reflects and℗ Monitors (Testing Hypothesis); Conclusion; Appendix: Collaborative Problem Solving Tasks; References; Chapter 5: Platforms for℗ Delivery of℗ Collaborative Tasks; Overview and℗ Design Rationale; Delivery of℗ CPS Tasks; Delivery of℗ LDN-ICT Tasks

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