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Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Acronyms; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Introductory Remarks; 1.1.1 General Consideration: Strong Versus Weak Correlations; 1.1.2 Theoretical Approaches to Strongly Correlated Systems; 1.1.3 Quantum Phase Transitions and NFL behavior of HF compounds; 1.1.4 Limits and Goals of the Book; References; 2 Landau Fermi Liquid Theory and Beyond; 2.1 Quasiparticle Paradigm; 2.2 Pomeranchuk Stability Conditions; 2.3 Thermodynamic and Transport Properties; 2.3.1 Equation for the Effective Mass and the Scaling Behavior; References; 3 Fermi Liquid with Fermion Condensate

3.1 The Fermion-Condensation Quantum Phase Transition3.1.1 The FCQPT Order Parameter; 3.1.2 Quantum Protectorate Related to FCQPT; 3.1.3 The Influence of FCQPT at Finite Temperatures; 3.1.4 Phase Diagram of Fermi System with FCQPT; 3.2 Two Scenarios of the Quantum Critical Point; References; 4 The Topological Phase Transitions Related to Fermion Condensate; 4.1 Topological Phase Transitions Related to FCQPT; References; 5 Appearance of Fermion-Condensation Quantum Phase Transition in Fermi Systems; 5.1 The Superconducting State with FC at T=0

5.1.1 Green's Function of the Superconducting State with FC at T=05.1.2 The Superconducting State at Finite Temperatures; 5.1.3 Bogolyubov Quasiparticles; 5.1.4 The Dependence of Superconducting Phase Transition Temperature Tc on Doping; 5.1.5 The Gap and Heat Capacity Near Tc; 5.2 The Dispersion Law and Lineshape of Single-Particle Excitations; 5.3 Electron Liquid with FC in Magnetic Fields; 5.3.1 Phase Diagram of Electron Liquid in Magnetic Field; 5.3.2 Magnetic Field Dependence of the Effective Mass in HF Metals and High-Tc Superconductors; 5.4 Appearance of FCQPT in Fermi systems

7.1 Magnetization7.2 Magnetoresistance; 7.2.1 Longitudinal Magnetoresistance; 7.2.2 Transverse magnetoresistance in the HF Metal CeCoIn5; 7.2.3 Electric Resistivity of HF Metals; 7.3 Magnetic Entropy; 7.4 Magnetic Susceptibility; 7.4.1 Magnetic Susceptibility and Magnetization Measured on CeRu2Si2; 7.5 Magnetic-Field-Induced Reentrance of the LFL Behavior and Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rates; 7.6 The Relations Between Critical Magnetic Fields Bc0 and Bc2 in HF Compounds; 7.7 Scaling Behavior of the HF CePd1-xRhx Ferromagnet; References; 8 Metals with a Strongly Correlated Electron Liquid

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