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Preface; Acknowledgment; Contents; About the Editors; Chapter 1: Minimally Processed Foods: Overview; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Purposes of℗ Minimal Processing; 1.3 Applications of℗ Minimal Processing; 1.3.1 Plant Based Minimally Processed Foods: Fresh Fruits and℗ Vegetables; 1.3.2 Animal Based Minimal Processed℗ Foods: Meat and℗ Sea℗ Foods; 1.4 Quality and℗ Safety of℗ Minimally Processed Foods; 1.5 Impact of℗ Minimal Processing on℗ Quality of℗ Food Products; 1.6 Impact of℗ Minimal Processing on℗ Nutrition Contents; 1.7 Concept of℗ Hurdle Technology; 1.8 Fresh-Cut Fruits and℗ Vegetables

1.8.1 Washing, Peeling, and℗ Slicing of℗ Fresh-Cut Fruits and℗ Vegetables1.8.2 Operations Affecting the℗ Quality of℗ Fresh-Cut Fruits and℗ Vegetables; 1.8.3 Factors Affecting the℗ Washing of℗ Fresh-Cut Fruits and℗ Vegetables; 1.9 Packaging Technologies for℗ Minimally Processed Foods; 1.10 Minimal Processing Techniques; 1.10.1 Thermal Methods; 1.10.2 Coupling with℗ Non-thermal Methods; 1.11 Conclusions; References; Chapter 2: Hurdle Technology in℗ Food Preservation; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Guide Lines for℗ pH and℗ Salt; 2.2.1 pH Value; 2.2.2 Salt (i.e. Sodium Chloride); 2.3 Progress in℗ Developing Guidelines

2.4 Concepts of℗ Food Stability Determination2.4.1 F-Value; 2.4.2 Water Activity; 2.4.3 Glass Transition; 2.4.4 Critical Temperature Concept and℗ Molecular Mobility; 2.4.5 State Diagram; 2.4.6 Macro-Micro Region in℗ the℗ State Diagram; 2.5 Progress in℗ Microbial Reaction in℗ Relation to℗ Hurdle Concept; 2.6 Prediction for℗ Multi-hurdles; 2.7 Conclusion; Nomenclature; References; Chapter 3: Packaging Methods for℗ Minimally Processed℗ Foods; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Criteria for℗ Selection of℗ Packaging Materials; 3.2.1 Mass Transfer of℗ Packaging Materials; 3.2.2 Optical Properties

3.2.3 Mechanical Properties3.2.4 Migration from the Package; 3.3 Packaging Technologies for℗ Minimally Processed Foods; 3.3.1 Vacuum Packaging; 3.3.2 Modified Atmosphere Packaging; 3.3.3 Active Packaging; Antimicrobial Packaging; Oxygen Scavengers/emitters; CO2/Emitters; Humidity Regulated Packages; Ethylene Scavenging; Ultraviolet Light Filters; 3.3.4 Edible Films and℗ Coatings; 3.3.5 Microwaveable Packaging; 3.3.6 Migration Aspects; 3.4 Conclusions; References; Chapter 4: Washing, Peeling and℗ Cutting of℗ Fresh-Cut Fruits and℗ Vegetables

4.1 Introduction4.1.1 Factors Affecting Quality of℗ Fruits and℗ Vegetables; 4.2 Washing; 4.2.1 Washing Sanitizers and℗ Washing Aids; 4.2.2 Chlorine; 4.2.3 Chlorine Dioxide; 4.2.4 Organic Acids; 4.2.5 Ozone; 4.2.6 Hydrogen Peroxide; 4.2.7 Electrolysed Water; 4.2.8 Trisodium Phosphate; 4.3 Peeling; 4.3.1 Manual Peeling; 4.3.2 Mechanical Peeling; 4.3.3 Lye Peeling; 4.3.4 Enzymatic Peeling; 4.3.5 Thermal Peeling; 4.3.6 Infrared Peeling; 4.4 Cutting; 4.4.1 Enzymes Used in℗ Cutting; 4.4.2 Factors Affect Cutting; 4.5 Emerging Technology in℗ Fresh-Cut Fruits and℗ Vegetables; 4.5.1 UV-C Irradiation

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