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Dedication; Preface; Acknowledgements; About the Author; Contents; Chapter 1: Solar Heroes and Sun Gods; Chapter 2: The Sun as a Powerhouse; Chapter 3: A Crippled Craftsman, a Divine Messenger, and the Goddess of Love; Vulcan; Mercury; Venus: The Morning and Evening Star; Chapter 4: To the Ends of the Earth; Volcanoes; Aurora Borealis; Chapter 5: Craters, Dragons, Festivals, Gods and Goddesses of Earth's Moon; Chapter 6: Moon Madness, Superstition, and Other Lunar Associations; Chapter 7: Mars, the Next Frontier; Chapter 8: Doom and Gloom: Comets, Meteorites, and Asteroids

Chapter 9: Jupiter, the King of the PlanetsThe Planet Jupiter; Zeus/Jupiter, the God; The Moons of Jupiter; Io; Europa; Ganymede; Callisto; Amalthea; Himalia; Elara; Pasiphae; Sinope; Lysithea; Carme; Ananke; Leda; Metis; Adrastea/Adrestis/Adrastus; Thebe; Themisto; Carpo/Carpho; Europie; Thelxinoe; Euanthe/Euanthes; Helike/Helice; Orthosie; Iocaste/Epicaste; Praxidike; Harpalyke/Harpalyce; Mneme; Hermippe; Thyone; Herse; Aitne; Kale/Cale; Taygete; Chaldene; Erinome; Aoede; Kallichore; Kalyke/Calyce; Kallirrhoe/Callirrhoe/Callirhoe; Eurydome/Eurynome

Kore/Core/Semele/Persephone Cyllene; Eukelade; Hegemone; Arche; Isonoe; Sponde; Autonoe; Megaclite; Pasithee/Pasithea; The Ice Giant Planets Beyond Jupiter; Chapter 10: Saturn, a Gaseous Beauty with Many Moons; The Ringed Planet Superstar; Saturn/Cronus in Mythology; Saturn's Moons; Titan; Iapetus; Rhea; Dione; Tethys; Mimas; Enceladus; Hyperion; Phoebe; Epimetheus; Janus; Atlas; Prometheus; Pandora; Telesto; Calypso; Helene; Pan; Daphnis; Aegaeon; Methone; Anthe; Pallene; Polydeuces; Kiviuq/Quiviuq/Kiviuk/Qooqa; Ijiraq; Paaliaq; Siarnaq

Tarqeq/Tarquiup Skathi/Skadi/Skade; Albiorix/Toutatis; Bebhionn; Erriapus/Erriapo; Skoll; Greip; Hyrrokkin; Jarnsaxa; Tarvos; Mundilfari; Bergelmir; Suttungr/Suttung; Narvi; Hati; Farbauti/Faubauti; Thrymr; Aegir/Eagor; Bestla; Fenrir; Surtur/Surt/Surtr; Kari; Ymir; Loge; Fornjot/Fornjotr; Chiron; Themis; Chapter 11: Uranus and Neptune in the Icy Depths; The Ice Giant Uranus; Ouranus/Uranus in Mythology; The Moons of Uranus; Titania; Oberon; Umbriel; Ariel; Miranda; Puck; Cordelia; Ophelia; Bianca; Cressida; Desdemona; Juliet; Portia; Rosalind; Cupid

Belinda Perdita; Mab; Francisco; Caliban; Stephano; Trinculo; Sycorax; Margaret; Prospero; Setebos; Ferdinand; The Ice Giant Neptune; The Mythology of Neptune/Poseidon; Neptune's Moons; Triton; Nereid; Naiad; Thalassa; Despina/Despoena; Galatea; Larissa; Proteus; Halimede; Psamathe; Sao, Laomedia and Neso; Chapter 12: Pluto, a Dark, Distant Underworld; The Ninth Planet, Now a Dwarf; Pluto's Mythology; Pluto's Moons; Charon; Hydra; Nyx/Night; A Newly Discovered Fourth Moon; Pluto's Fifth Moon; Afterword; Craters Listed in this Book; Moons Listed in this book

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