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Preface; Contents; Notes on Contributors; Part IMediating Between Theory, Research andClassroom Practice; 1 Conversational English: Teaching Spontaneity; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Features of Spoken Interaction; 3 Introducing Spoken Language; 3.1 Spoken Language Is Additive; 3.2 Conversation is interactive; 3.3 Conversation Is Evaluative; 3.4 Conversation Is `Vague'; 3.5 Discourse Markers; 3.6 Conversation Is Formulaic; 3.7 Conversation Is Creative; 4 A Summary; 5 Two Tentative Conclusions; References

2 Local Cultures in English: Intercultural Communication in an International Educational ContextAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Intercultural Communication; 3 Intercultural Communication in a Polish-Ukrainian Educational Project; 4 Polish-Ukrainian Misunderstandings in the Light of Hofstede's Model; 5 Conclusion; References; 3 Developing Second Language Oral Competence Through an Integrated Discursive Approach: The Conceptual Framework of the Project and Results of a Pilot Study; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Theoretical Bases for the Project; 2.1 Interactive and Dialogic Nature of Oral Discourse

2.2 Interactivity Characteristic of Oral Genres2.3 Media Genres and Their Value as Models; 3 Fostering Advanced L2 Oral Competence: The Assumptions and Aims of the Project; 4 Specific Aims and Research Design of the Project; 5 Using Podcasts in Developing Oral Competence: Selection Criteria; 6 Results of the Pilot Study; 6.1 Developing Extensive Comprehension; 6.2 Developing Interactive Speaking Abilities; 6.3 Developing Interactive and Argumentative Abilities in Class Discussions; 7 Conclusions of the Pilot Study; References; 4 It's Small Words that Make a Big Difference; Abstract

1 Introduction2 Theoretical Background; 2.1 Definition and Functions of Hedges; 2.2 Native Speaker Versus Non-native Speaker Use of Hedges; 2.3 Culture and Hedging Devices; 2.4 Hedges in the Teaching/Learning Context; 3 The Study; 3.1 Description of the Study; 3.2 Presentation and Discussion of Results; 3.2.1 Section A of the Questionnaire; Value of Hedges; Reasons for the Use of Hedges; Context of Use; Hedges in L1; Received Pedagogy; 3.2.2 Section B of the Questionnaire; The Impact of Hedging Expressions on the Way a Message Is Interpreted; Hedges and Politeness

The Impact of Hedging Expressions on the Way a Speaker Is Perceived3.2.3 Section C of the Questionnaire; 4 Conclusions and Implications of the Findings; A.x(118). Appendix; References; 5 Preparing Tertiary Students for Study Abroad Programs
The Identity Negotiation Perspective; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Theoretical Underpinnings of Identity Negotiation Theory; 2.1 The Concept of Identity; 2.2 Mindfulness and Mindlessness; 2.3 The Core Assumptions of INT; 2.4 INT Criteria and Components; 2.5 The Outcomes of INT; 3 The Study; 3.1 The Objectives of the Study; 3.2 The Participants

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