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Part I ? Free Radical Generation
1. Production of Reactive Oxygen Species and its Implication in Human Diseases
2. Reactive Oxygen Species and Cellular Defense System
3. The Noxious Nanoparticles
4. Tools and Techniques to measure Oxidative Stress
Part II ? Mechanism of Oxidative Stress
5. Impact of Oxidative Stress on Human Health
6. Gene-environment interaction in Oxidative Stress-induced Pathologies
7. Oxidative Stress Induced Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms in Human Health and Diseases
8. Hydrogen Peroxide Sensing and Signalling
Part III ? Oxidative Stress and Diseases
9. Oxidative Stress-Induced lipid Peroxidation: Role in Inflammation
10. Oxidative Stress and its Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Diseases: An overview
11. Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Disorders
12. Thyroid Gland in Free Radical Induced Oxidative Stress
13. Oxidative Stress Events and Neuronal Dysfunction in Alzheimer?s Disease: Focus on APE1/Ref-1 Mediated Survival Strategies
14. ROS in Carcinogenesis and Anticancerous Drug Induced Toxicity
15. Oxidative Stress in Low Birth Weight Newborns
16. Oxidative Stress and Diabetes
17. Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Cardiovascular Diseases: Two Sides of the Same Coin.-18. Redox Biology of Aging: Focus on Novel Biomarkers
Part IV ? Strategies to Ameliorate Oxidative Stress Induced Diseases
19. Antioxidant Supplements: Friends or Foe?
20. Linking Toll-like Receptors Signalling to Oxidative Damage: Potential Role in Cancer Therapy
21. Management of Inflammation using Cellular Redox Modifiers
22. Oxidative Stress, Antioxidant Status and Redox Signalling in Carcinogenesis
23. Role of ROS in Bacterial Resistance and Biofilm Formation and possible Therapeutics
24. Antioxidants and other Potent Strategies to Reduce Oxidative stress in semen
25. Nano-encapsulation of a Natural Polyphenol, Green Tea Catechins: way to Preserve its Anti-oxidative Potential
26. Food Protein-Derived Antioxidative Peptides.

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