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Preface; Contents; 1: Definition and Assessment of Erectile Dysfunction; 1.1 Definition of Erectile Dysfunction; 1.2 Distinction Between Organic and Psychogenic ED; 1.3 The Importance of the Medical History; 1.4 Physical Examination; 1.5 Biochemical and Hormonal Testing; 1.6 Specialized Testing; Conclusions (Fig. 1.1); References; 2: Epidemiology of Erectile Dysfunction in Hypertension; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 The Impact of Hypertension on Erectile Dysfunction; 2.3 Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction in Hypertensive Patients

2.4 Comments on Variation in Odds Ratio and Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction in Hypertensive Patients2.5 The Role of Antihypertensive Drugs; 2.6 Determinants of Erectile Dysfunction in Hypertensive Patients; Conclusions; References; 3: Pathophysiology of Erectile Dysfunction; 3.1 Neurogenic Erectile Dysfunction; 3.1.1 Peripheral ED; 3.1.2 Erectile Dysfunction in Spinal Cord Injury; 3.1.3 Erectile Dysfunction After Radical Pelvic Surgery (Supraspinal); 3.2 Atherosclerosis and Erectile Dysfunction; 3.3 Hyperlipidemia and ED; 3.4 Hypertension and ED; 3.5 Cigarette Smoking and ED

3.6 Increased Vasoconstriction and ED3.7 Impaired Neurogenic Vasodilatation and ED; 3.8 Diabetes and ED; 3.9 Chronic Renal Failure and ED; 3.10 Drug-Induced Erectile Dysfunction; References; 4: Erectile Dysfunction and Testosterone; 4.1 Testosterone and Hypertension; 4.2 Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction in Hypertension; 4.3 Testosterone and CVD Risk; 4.3.1 Testosterone and CV Events; 4.3.2 Testosterone and Target Organ Damage; 4.4 Measurement of Testosterone in the Evaluation of ED Hypertensive Men; 4.5 Testosterone Therapy; Conclusions; References

5: The Role of the Renin-Angiotensin System in Erectile Dysfunction: Present and Future5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Renin-Angiotensin System: Current Paradigm; 5.3 ACE/Ang II/AT1 Receptor on Erection Function; 5.4 ACE2/Ang-(1-7)/Mas Receptor Axis on Erectile Function; 5.5 Future Directions; References; 6: Erectile Dysfunction and Target Organ Damage; 6.1 Target Organ Damage in Hypertension; 6.2 Target Organ Damage in Patients with Hypertension and Erectile Dysfunction (Table 6.2); 6.3 Target Organ Damage and CV Prediction Within ED; 6.4 Is Erectile Dysfunction a Target Organ Damage Per Se?

6.5 Screening for Target Organ Damage in Hypertensive ED Patients Conclusions; References; 7: Erectile Dysfunction in Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Failure; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Erectile Dysfunction and Coronary Artery Disease; 7.2.1 Common Risk Factors Between Erectile Dysfunction and Coronary Artery Disease; 7.2.2 Pathophysiological Mechanisms Explaining the Association Between Erectile Dysfunction and Coronary Artery Disease; The Artery-Size Hypothesis; Hormonal Alterations; Chronic Inflammation; 7.2.3 Clinical Evidence for the Association Between ED and CAD

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