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1 General Introduction to Near-Critical and Supercritical Fluids
I Thermomechanical Effects
1 Bridging Gas and Near-Critical Fluid Dynamics
2 Bridging Gas and Near-Critical Fluid Dynamics
3 Temperature and Density Equilibration
4 Heat Transfer
II Heat Transfer Experiments Performed in Weightless Conditions
5 Quick Overview of Some Test Cells
6 The Pancake Test Cell
7 Heat Transport by the Piston Effect: Experiments
8 Coexisting Liquid?Vapor Phases
III Effects of a Steady-State Acceleration Field
9 Interaction Between the Piston Effect and Gravitational Convection
10 Rayleigh?B ́enard and Rayleigh?Taylor Instabilities
11 Experiments in a weak acceleration field and on Earth
IV Influence of Time-Dependent Acceleration Fields
12 Response to Low-Frequency Vibrations: Solid-Like Behavior
13 Thermovibrational Effect
V Appendices.

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