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Study of Severe Thunderstorms over Bangladesh and Its Surrounding Areas during Pre-monsoon Season of 2013 Using WRF-ARW Model
Assimilation of Doppler Weather Radar Data through Rapid Intermittent Cyclic (RIC) for Simulation of Squall Line Event over India and adjoining Bangladesh
Impact of Data Assimilation in Simulation of Thunderstorm Event over Bangladesh Using WRF Model
Numerical Simulation of a Hailstorm Event over Delhi, India on 28 March 2013
Simulation of Mesoscale Convective Systems Associated with Squalls Using 3DVAR Data Assimilation over Bangladesh
Simulation of Severe Convective Weather Events over Southern India Using WRF Model
Early Warning Services for Management of Cyclones over North Indian Ocean: Current Status and Future Scope
Development of NWP-based Cyclone Prediction System for Improving Cyclone Forecast Service in the Country
Interannual and Interdecadal Variations in Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Arabian Sea and the Impacts over Pakistan
Impact of Cloud Microphysics and Cumulus Parameterisation on Mesoscale Simulation of TC Sidr over the Bay of Bengal Using WRF Model
Eddy Angular Momentum Fluxes in Relation with Intensity Changes of Tropical Cyclones Jal (2010) and Thane (2011) in North Indian Ocean
Impact of Initial and Boundary Conditions on Mesoscale Simulation of Bay of Bengal Cyclones Using WRF-ARW Model
Performance of Global Forecast System for the Prediction of Intensity and Track of Very Severe Cyclonic Storm ?Phailin? over North Indian Ocean
Observational Analysis of Heavy Rainfall during Southwest Monsoon over India
Long Term Trends in the Extreme Rainfall Events over India
Diagnostic Study of Heavy Rainfall Events in Monsoon Season over Northern Part of Bangladesh Using NWP Technique
Analysis of Increasing Heavy Rainfall Activity over Western India, Particularly Gujarat State, in the Past Decade
Simulation of Heavy Rainfall Event over Gujarat during September 2013
Simulation of Rainfall over Uttarakhand, India, in June Using WRF-ARW Model and Impact of AIRS Profiles
Incessant Rainfall Event of June 2013 in Uttarakhand, India: Observational Perspectives
Convergence of Synoptic and Dynamical Conditions Responsible for Exceptionally Heavy Rainfall over Uttarakhand, India
Changes in Rainfall Concentration over India during 1871-2011
Identifying the Changes in Rainfall Pattern and Heavy Rainfall Events during 1871-2010 over Cherrapunji
Agricultural Drought Assessment: Operational Approaches in India with Special Emphasis on 2012
Trends in Extreme Temperature Events over India during 1969-2012
Analysis of Extreme High Temperature Conditions over Uttar Pradesh, India
Use of Remote Sensing Data for Drought Assessment: A Case Study for Bihar State of India during Kharif, 2013

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