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Acknowledgements; Contents; Contributors; Chapter-1; The Generations and Gender Survey in France: From Survey Design to Initial Findings; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 From the International GGS Project to the Survey in France; 1.2.1 Description of the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP); 1.2.2 Survey Implementation in France; 1.2.3 Characteristics of the Population Sample Interviewed During the First Wave (2005) and Weighting; 1.3 Family Trajectories and Household Organization; 1.3.1 Life Stages and the Diversity of Family Trajectories; 1.3.2 Couples in Day-to-Day Life: Who Does What?; References

1.4 ConclusionPart I; Diversification of Family Trajectories; Chapter-2; Changing Patterns of Transition to Adulthood; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Gradual Postponement of Family Formation; 2.2.1 Is Age at Childbearing the Sole Factor Delaying Transition to Adulthood?; 2.2.2 Closer Timing and a Less Well-defined Order of Transition Stages; 2.3 Do Men's and Women's Trajectories Differ?; 2.3.1 Postponement and Transition Complexity; 2.3.2 More Time in Education: A Factor of Change; 2.3.3 Leaving Home Before Entering Employment; 2.3.4 Family Formation: A Stage that is Getting Longer A Qualified Effect of Spending Longer in Education2.3.4.2 For Women, Entry into Union is Less Dependent on Being in Employment; Birth of a First Child: A Later and More Isolated Stage; Is the Timing of Male and Female Fertility Converging?; 2.4 Are Transitions Socially Marked?; 2.4.1 Diverse Trajectories; 2.4.2 More Heterogeneous Transitions Today; Leaving Home and Starting Work Before Completing Education; Entry into Union Before Completion of Education and Entry into First Employment; 2.5 Conclusion; References; Chapter-3

Diverse Forms of Union and the "Gender Order"3.2 Comparing Forms of Union; 3.2.1 Constructing the Four Groups; Direct or Quasi-direct Marriage; Standard Marriage; Consensual Union; Civil Partnership (PACS); 3.2.2 Same-sex Unions and the Gender Order; 3.2.3 The Population of the Four Groups; 3.3 Division of Domestic Labour by Form of Union; 3.4 Types of Union and Representations of Gender Roles; 3.4.1 Representations of the Gender Division of Labour in the Public and Private Spheres; 3.4.2 Adhesion to the Principle of Necessary "Gender Complementarity"

3.5 ConclusionAppendices; References; Chapter-4; The Birth of the First Child; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Entry into Parenthood: Between Individual Choice and the Influence of Norms ; 4.2.1 The Majority of Births Are Now Wanted ; 4.2.2 Neither Too Early Nor Too Late ; 4.2.3 From Illegitimate Children to the Legitimacy of Births Outside Marriage ; 4.3 Fertility Intentions, Indicators of the Pre-conditions for Entry into Parenthood; 4.3.1 Ages that Are More Conducive to Planning Children ; 4.3.2 The Need to be in a Relationship ; 4.3.3 Having a Stable Job and Adequate Material Conditions

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