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Contributors; Part I: General; Introduction; Why This Book?; About Me; Strengths of the Book; Acknowledgements; OSAS: The Magnitude of the Problem; Introduction; Definitions; Epidemiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea; Obesity; Age; Gender; Smoking and Alcohol Use; Race; Symptoms and Signs; Snoring; Sleepiness; Other Symptoms at Night; Other Daytime Symptoms; Gender and Age Bias; Morbidity and Mortality; Cardiovascular Morbidity; Arterial Hypertension; Stroke; Cardiac Arrhythmias; Coronary Artery Disease; Subclinical Cardiocirculatory Impairment

Cardiovascular Mortality Metabolic Consequences; Cognitive Deficits; Associations; Comorbid OSAS in Obesity; Comorbid OSAS in Arterial Hypertension; Comorbid OSAS in Congestive Heart Failure; Comorbid OSAS in Atrial Fibrillation; Comorbid OSAS in Coronary Artery Disease; Comorbid OSAS in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders; Hypothyroidism; Acromegaly; Cushing's Syndrome; OSAS and Diabetes Mellitus; OSAS and Metabolic Syndrome; OSAS in COPD; OSAS in Chronic Renal Failure and End-Stage Renal Disease; OSAS and Polycythaemia; Economical Burden of Untreated OSAS; Conclusions

References; Compliance of Various Forms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment; Introduction; Continuous Positive Airway Pressure; Mandibular Advancement Devices; Sleep Surgery; Compliance; Compliance Positional Therapy; Reporting on Compliance; Future Perspectives; References; Part II: Initial Work Up: Polysomnography; Prevalence of Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients Undergoing Polysomnography and the Effect of Sleep Stage; Introduction; Prevalence; Factors That Predict Occurrence of Positional Sleep Apnea; Sleep Apnea Severity; Anatomic/Morphological Factors; Obesity

Age Effect of Sleep Stage on Positional Sleep Apnea; References; The Contribution of Head Position to the Apnea/Hypopnea Index in Patients with Position-Dependent Obstructive Sleep Apnea; Introduction; How to Measure Body Position During Polysomnography of Suspected OSA Patients?; How to Measure Head Position?; How to Combine Head and Trunk Position Analysis?; Study Setup; Results; Conclusion; References; Influence of Sleep Position on the Transition of Mild to Moderate and Severe OSA; Introduction; POSA; Various Theories; Conclusion; References

Clinical Characteristics of Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea Among Asians; References; Positional Therapy: Left Lateral Decubitus Position Versus Right Lateral Decubitus Position; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Influence of Body Posture on Percentage of REM Sleep, AHI, and Minimum SaO2; Factors Influencing the Prevalence of Left and Right Positional OSA: Effect of Gender, Age, BMI, and OSA Severity; Discussion; Conclusion; References; Part III: Initial Work Up: Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy; Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy and Sleep Position; Introduction

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