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Preface; Contents; 1: History of Epilepsy Surgery; 1.1 Pre-twentieth Century; 1.2 Twentieth Century; References; 2: Techniques in Epilepsy Surgery; 2.1 The Use of Bipolar Coagulation; 2.1.1 The Physical Principles of Bipolar Coagulation; 2.1.2 The Separation of the Blades of the Bipolar Coagulating Forceps; 2.1.3 Saline Irrigation; 2.1.4 Suction; 2.1.5 Cottonoid Patties; 2.1.6 The Strength of Coagulating Current; 2.1.7 The Ideal Components of Optimal Coagulation; 2.2 Subpial Dissection; 2.2.1 Introduction; 2.2.2 Anatomy of the Cerebral Cortex and Leptomeninges

2.2.3 The Technique of Subpial Dissection2.2.3.1 The Selective Removal of the Cortical Scar; The Minimization of the Post-resection Scar; The Preservation of the Health of the Remaining Cortex; 2.2.4 Retraction with Normal-Sized Retractors; 2.3 Anatomical Measurements of Functional Areas of the Cortex; 2.4 The Mandatory Bimanual Instrumental Use!; References; 3: Surgery Under Local Anesthesia; 3.1 Philosophy of the "Traditional" Use of Local Anesthesia; 3.2 Preparation of the Patient; 3.3 The Preoperative Use of Local Anesthesia; 3.3.1 The Local Anesthetic Agent

3.3.2 The Initial (Preoperative) Regional Anesthetic Blockade3.3.3 The Local Anesthetic Blockade of Individual Scalp Nerves; 3.3.4 The Anesthetic Blockade of the Scalp Incision; 3.3.5 The Quantity of Local Anesthetic Used; 3.4 Draping of the Patient; 3.5 Intraoperative Comfort of the Patient; 3.5.1 The Communication of the Operating Room Staff; 3.5.2 The Questionable Use of Urinary Catheters; 3.5.3 The Use of Intraoperative Local Anesthesia; 3.5.4 The Recognition of Intracranial Sources of Pain; Questionable Pain from Cerebral Substance; Pain Innervation of the Basal Dura

3.5.5 The Intraoperative Reduction of Pain During Craniotomy3.5.5.1 Introduction; Dural Injection Sites for Reducing Pain; Referred Pain from Dural Stimulation; Intradural Injection of Local Anesthetic; 3.6 Craniotomy (Under Local Anesthesia); 3.6.1 Introduction; 3.6.2 Preoperative Scalp Preparation; 3.6.3 Scalp Flap; 3.6.4 Instrumentation; 3.6.5 Reduction of Pain Associated with Burr Holes; 3.6.6 Separation of Dura from Inner Table of Cranium; 3.6.7 Anterior Middle Fossa Exposures; 3.6.8 Closure of the Craniotomy

3.7 Alternative Strategies to the Traditional Method of Achieving Awake Patients During Craniotomy3.7.1 Introduction; 3.7.2 The Traditional Wake-Up Procedure; 3.7.3 The Use of New Short-Acting Anesthetic Agents; 3.8 The Associated Neuroleptanalgesia; 3.9 A Consideration of the Operating Room Times for the Conduction of Operations Under Local Anesthesia; References; 4: Electrocortical (Cerebral) Stimulation; 4.1 General Considerations; 4.2 Physical and Electrical Characteristics of Stimulation; 4.2.1 Stimulus Pulse Waveform; 4.2.2 Stimulus Parameters; 4.2.3 Electrode Composition

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