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1 Solution to Chaotic Situations in Higher Education: New Generation Universities as Intelligent Organization- 2 From Chaos to Cosmos: Strategic Depth and Turkish Foreign Policy in Syria
3 History, Development and Trend of Fractal Base Biometric Cryptography
4 The Incorporation of Fractals into Educational Management and its Implications for School Management Models
5 Cleopatra?s Nose and Complex International Politics
6 Complexity Theory in Public Administration and Metagovernance
7 Limits and Criticalities of Predictions and Forecasting in Complex Social and Economic Scenarios: A Cybernetics Key
8 Leadership in the Formation and Change of School Culture
9 Differential Entropy Dynamics: A Possible Cause of Coherence Resonance
10 Reliability Properties of Systems with Three Dependent Components
11 Cryptosystems Based on Chaos Theory
12 Understanding Chaos and Complexity in Education Systems through Conceptualization of Fractal Properties
13 Chaotic Pseudorandom Sequences and the Security of Cryptosystems
14 Object Oriented Modelling of Corporate Complexity Performance Balance Card: CBBC
15 Chaotic Awareness in Gezipark
16 Unraveling the Complexity of Tourist Experience with NFC Technology and Mobile Wallets
17 Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms as a Universal Problem and Chaos Theory
18 The Use of Systems Approach in Psychological Counseling and Guidance
19 Using Balance Theory for the Sequential and Correlated Development of Vision, Strategies and Projects in Complex Environments.-20 Chaotic Interaction in Abnormal Leadership Processes from the Perspective of Leaders and Followers
21 A Comparative study on three different types of music based on same Indian Raga and their effects on Human Autonomic Nervous Systems
22 Injustice as a Judicial Product: A Problematic Tendency in Legal Thinking and Practice
23 Selected Indicators and Methods for Evaluation of eParticipation
24. Stock Market Development and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis between Turkey and BRICS Countries
25 Teachers? and Principals? Views on Principals? Characteristics and Importance of Principal?s Characteristics in Chaos
26 Social Networks: Connections in Structures
27 Leadership in the Future Experts? Creativity Development with Scientific Research Activities
28 The Conflict Management Styles used by Managers of Private Primary Schools: An Example of Ankara; S. ÇELİK
29 Contemporary Leadership Theories
30 Comparison of the Models Adopted Regarding the Training and Appointment of School Administrators (Turkey, France, Denmark and England Sample
31 Complexity of Leadership in the Context of Political Governance in Niger
32 The Development and Modernization of Minangkabau People in Sumatera Barat in Indonesia and Its Impact on Local Identity
33 Family Leadership for Development of Rural Malay Herbal Entrepreneurship in Malaysia
34 Evaluating the Application of Possibility and Equality of Opportunity in Higher Education According to Chaos Theory
35 Chaos in Secondary Education Programs and Textbooks in Terms of Literature from Turkish Republic to Today
36 Assessing the Impact of Project Atmosphere and Leaders on Risk Management in Chaotic Environments
37 The Main Problems of High-Quality Training of Future Specialists
38 An Evaluation of the Classroom Teachers' Attitudes towards the Constructivist Approach According to Complexity Theory: A Case of Mersin
39 The Impact of Human Resource Management Functions on Corporate Image
40 Is It Really A Sisyphus Torture? Political Economy of Everyday Life
41 Competence-Based Approach in the System of Forming Deontological Preparedness of Specialists
42 Rural Malay Youth Leadership and Malaysian Herbal Entrepreneurship Development
43 Integration of Roma in European Union within Context of Complexity Theory in the New World
44 Leading and Managing Organizational Change in Chaos and Complexity
45 Improving School Leadership: A Way to Challenging Chaos
46 Managing Successful Projects to Prevent Chaos and Complexity in Organizations
47 Postgraduate Students? Perceptions of Leadership in Politics: A Metaphor Analysis (Hacettepe University Educational Sciences Sample
48 Evaluating the Primary School Teachers? Level of Forming a Constructivist Learning Environment According to Chaos.

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