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Regional Lithosphere Framework: Crust and Mantle: The upper mantle seismic velocity structure of south-central Africa and the seismic architecture of Precambrian lithosphere beneath the Congo basin (CB)
Precambrian basement of the Congo basin and flanking terranes
Basin Sedimentology and Stratigraphy: Neoproterozoic-Cambrian; Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic; Mesozoic; Cenozoic: An overview of the Neoproterozoic sedimentary series in DRC and neighbouring countries
Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of late Precambrian carbonates of the Mbuji-Mayi Supergroup in the Sankuru-Mbuji-Maji-Lomami-Lovoy basin (DRC)
Probable fungal colonization and carbonate diagenesis of Neoproterozoic stromatolites from South Gabon
Neoproterozoic to Cambrian evolution of the Congo basin
Carboniferous-Triassic stratigraphy and paleogeography of Karoo-like sequences of the CB
Facies analysis, chronostratigraphy and paleo-environmental reconstructions of the Jurassic-Cretaceous sequences of the CB
Mesozoic sedimentary cover sequences of the Congo basin in the Kasai Region, DRC
Formation and collapse of the African surface (Kalahari duricrust) across the CB, with implications for changes in the rates of Cenozoic off-shore sedimentation
Geodynamics, Tectonic Evolution and Basin Models: Multiphase Phanerozoic subsidence and uplift history
Thermal regime and evolution of the CB as an intracratonic basin
New regional correlations between the CB and the Paraná basin of central West Gondwana
Neotectonics, Geomorphology and River Systems: Cenozoic landscape evolution in and around the Congo basin
Present day drainage patterns of the Congo river system and their Neogene evolution
Resources: Economic and Potential Deposits: Diamond-bearing gravels along the Kwango river, DRC
A review of the kimberlites in the DRC
Petroleum potential of the Congo basin
Metallogenic fingerprints of the Congo shield with predictions for mineral endowment beneath the Congo basin.

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